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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. gibonez

    Nemesis Arms Vanquish Rifle

    Ask yourself a question before suggesting a weapon. Would it make sense to find this in a home or a military base in Chenarus ? Answer to both is no so therefore this weapon should never ever be in Stand alone.
  2. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    Unfortunately this is the only way to simulate that. Which is why I can understand why they did this with stand alone. Project reality had a good approach imo, you could get your weapons to fire at pin point accuracy but they required you to focus and aim at the thing you wanted to hit for a little bit of time. It prevent people from having pin point accuracy after sprinting , jumping etc.
  3. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    If arma or dayz were realistic we wouldnt have people killing each other from 300m+ so easily. Shooting is extremely hard in real life and devs have yet to translate that in game thus far.
  4. gibonez


    Then they must be force fed to them. Just like real life shotguns must be the common weapon. m4s, aks, sks, must be rare.
  5. gibonez


    Hopefully shotguns are the most common weapon found. Shotguns are what most houses would have.
  6. gibonez

    Desert Eagle

    so you want to put a super expensive super rare 2 000 dollar pistol in some eastern european country survival game ? Yea no.
  7. gibonez

    long range zoom in bug / exploit

    Yup not a bug always been in arma.
  8. Combat logging should be bannable. Cant play for 24 hours.
  9. gibonez

    Dayz Help Dean Hall!!!

    Zombie was probably beneath his feet. Happened to me invisible zombie that was below me in a house was hitting me above it.
  10. gibonez

    M4 test, (video)

    Maybe thats intentional. It forces the m4 to be used as a close to medium range weapon. If a person wants something that is better a longer range the pick a mosin or other precision rifle over an m4.
  11. gibonez

    Remove 1st or 3rd person - thoughts?

    This a topic of much discussion. Lots of people wish to see it removed due to being able to peek around corners and over cover. Lack of situational awareness is no longer a problem with the fov slider so yes it should be removed. There is no excuse to keep it.
  12. I for one am delighted with the new approach Rocket and team have taken with dayz. Optics on firearms are scarce and there seems to be an importance on civilian weapons and optics. I look forward to super expensive rare military optics that cost anywhere from 500-4k dollars being very scarce in stand alone or not even being included in the mod all together. Instead the mod should focus heavily on iron sights and realistic commonly found optics. So who here looks forward to 10x fixed power hunting optics, Hunting range finders, range finding ballistic ranging reticles and the super hard to find aimpoints, acogs and holographic sights ?
  13. gibonez

    Importance of Iron Sights

    Yea they are acogs are 1200 bucks so they should be insanely rare in game. Loopys can be expensive but they have affordable good quality hunting and entry level tactical optics. Vortex,trijjicon, redfield, nikkon, weaver and swfa all make good entry level but feature packed scopes. Nightforce, Schmidt and bender, U.S. optics and zeiss make overpriced super expensive glass that is amazing but super duper expensive. Or they could include civilian hunting and golf range finders that have like a max range of 800 m and arent that accurate in. Civilian range finders are pretty affordable. 130-500 dollar range.
  14. 1. Removal of third person view mandatory on all servers with no option to enable it. 2. Weapon random dispersion fixed on the mosin stays same on m4 with ACE level wind added. 3. M4 made incredibly rare and the ruger 1022, ruger 22/45, Remington 700 , various shotguns and the sks becoming the normal weapons encountered.
  15. 128 player servers with random in land spawns no coastal spawns.
  16. Honestly weapons should be more rare than ammo. Another aspect not explored is ammo types within the same caliber. One such example could be military spec ammo vs civilian hunting ammo. 7.62 x 51mm Mil spec ammo should be found in larger quantities have bad accuracy and when weapon maintenance is added they should degrade your weapon rapidly. 7.62 nato box contains 200 rounds of ammo. .308 winchester More accurate , slightly hotter than mil spec ammo with hollow points. These can be found in much smaller quantities of 20 rounds per box and can be found anywhere in civilian loot. You can do the same with 5.56 nato aka .223 remington or just about all ammo types.
  17. gibonez

    Importance of Iron Sights

    People with nv scopes are incredibly expensive and rare in real life therefore they should not be in game. Nv scopes can cost as much as a used car.
  18. gibonez

    Importance of Iron Sights

    quite the opposite
  19. gibonez

    Importance of Iron Sights

    I think he means how objects in game arent the same dimensions as objects in real life would be so even an experienced person who could judge distance easily would struggle in game due to how perception is shown.
  20. Not a problem. Just find a server that caters to your tastes and favorite it.
  21. gibonez

    Weapon zeroing

    I honestly dont think the game has wind affecting bullets that might be the new random bullet dispersion.
  22. gibonez

    Importance of Iron Sights

    Yea ideally the game will have hunting optics with basic ranging reticles such as mil dots that are actually useable so you can get ranges to things using known sizes of objects and persons height.
  23. I believe this is why the zoom feature is in also. However you can use the fov slider to get the same amount of vision that you would get with tpv but now you cant cheat and peek around corners. With head bob down people should not get motion sickness and those that do should probably pick another genre.
  24. gibonez

    Weapon zeroing

    Yea I noticed that also. Another thing I noticed is the aimpoint allows you to adjust the range too. Never used an aimpoint but arent they locked in at 100m I thought they lacked elevation adjustment ?
  25. sometimes you need to restrict how or what the player can do for the overall good. Fixing a game breaking exploit like tpv is the better solution.