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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Thats the ammo. 22 lr weapons are very very picky about their ammo.
  2. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    I really cant wait to see people fighting it out with 22lrs in dayz and since ammo comes in such huge quantities it would be pretty funny to see the prolonged firefights. The high bullet drop combined with the inexperience of players with such weapons will be funny to watch first hand.
  3. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    22 lr is extremely common world wide due to its extremely low cost and high availability. Also because 22 lr is such a small around it is legal where as other calibers are not.
  4. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    fallout is not realistic thats why it was bad in game. That gun in fallout should also be in dayz its a ruger 2245. 10 round box mag, really accurate can be outfitted with a suppressor. Perfect companion weapon for someone who requires discretion when looting.
  5. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Its the most common firearms in the world. Its the most versatile weapon too. You can use it to hunt, to target practice, etc. Within the world of dayz it would make alot of sense. Say you want to scavenge a town safely without drawing attention to yourself. The 22 lr is quiet enough and ammo is plenty enough that you would be able to take out the zombies in a town not draw aggro from players or zombies. So you can quietly enter, get out and nobody would know you hit that town. It has some use as a player killing weapon but it would require lots of skill since only a shot to the heart or head would have any chance at incapacitating a player.
  6. Way too many barracks but not only that too many in the south.
  7. gibonez

    Level of Weaponry Available (Poll)

    Hmmm bolt action rifles are the most reliable weapons bro. No moving parts, relatively simple machines with amazing accuracy due to tight tolerances. Remington 700s have been sold for the past what ? 52 or so years and there are now tens of millions of them all around the world. Guess what even those 1950s r700s are still around and are still tack drivers. Although yes I absolutely agree with ACE style ballistics being implemented. #1 thing they need from it is the removal of adjustments by 100ms instead adjust the elevation by mils or moas
  8. Thats only because the game does a piss poor job of forcing exploration. While the coast feels populated just right with 40 people it is daam near empty up north. Coastal spawns should be removed and all in land spawns.
  9. gibonez

    Are there Explosives yet?

    What you heard was someone blowing up a gas station.
  10. If anything there needs to be more delay in movement to make it realistic. The strafing left and right randomly at all times is so annoying and unrealistic.
  11. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    If you want realism then you dont want military loot. It wouldnt make sense for there to be fn scars, acrs, m107s , and all the other exotic western weapons in a ex soviet bloc country.
  12. gibonez

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    Yea thats one area I hope does not go into effect. Private hives need to be completely cut off from the public hive. Loot from private hives should never make it into public hives and vice versa. Same applies to player location each should retain their own player location so ghosting, combat logging, server hopping is only a problem in public hives not private.
  13. gibonez

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    If they fork up the money to pay for a server then let them do whatever they want. I hate vehicle heavy server for example and i can choose to not join those but I don't care that they exist. Live and let live. Those private hives dont affect me or other players in an unfair way if I choose to not play them.
  14. Agreed. Zombies are absolute crap at the moment so keeping them at low counts makes it bearable. Increasing their number just increases the frustration and bullcrap. I would rather die from a bandit who shot me over a janky zombie that runs undernearth a house and teleports through walls anyday.
  15. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    In what context would this be a regular inexperienced guy surviving like the characters in dayz. The man has a freaking shooting range in his backyard. Simple fact of the matter is the average person cant hit a man sized target at 25 meters much less at 100m+.
  16. gibonez

    Overall weapon and accesories rarity

    Wish m4s would become the one of if not the top of the line gun you can find in the mod. Extremely rare but even more rare than the m4 would be optics for it. Acogs and red dot sights should have nvgs from the mod rarity.
  17. gibonez

    What guns do you want to see?

    Remington 700 is the 2nd most popular firearm in the world just behind the ak47. It is used in every country.
  18. gibonez

    M4 further customization/atachments

    Yea im all for more attachments for the m4 but they need to control how many optics appear on servers. Maybe 100 acogs, 100 red dot sights, spread out throughout all the servers. Doesnt make sense to find these in large numbers since the acog costs 1200 bucks .
  19. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    You never fired a gun have you ? Shooting at paper targets from 15 feet and shooting a person from 400m are two different things.
  20. gibonez

    SA in need of private hives

    Problem could have been fixed in the mod and it wasnt. You simply cant fix it by having one central server that keeps your location for the rest.
  21. gibonez

    SA in need of private hives

    Nothing is worse than combat loggers, ghosters, and server hoppers. Public hive will never fix that only solution is to have each server contain each character therefore private hives.
  22. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    God yes. ACE sniping is 100x better than Dayz stand alone and dayz mod sniping. Being able to adjust your shot using moas or mils is so much better than the lazy way of 100s of meters.
  23. Well Ill tell you what ? After about 30 minutes of a server restart it would solve the balota airfield problem. People would stay far away from it since all the pvp bodies would rise from the dead to kill.
  24. gibonez

    Nemesis Arms Vanquish Rifle

    It absolutely should.
  25. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    Thing is what we have now is a mixture of realism and arcade gameplay. They need to go for one and push that as far as they can. This means, no simple bullet drop without wind, this means no adjusting your ranging in 100m increments this means allowing moa adjustments on the optics then logging in your own personal data books on what moa corresponds to what range with each weapon and ammo type. This means no outfitting long range optics on mosins since it would require quit a bit of gunsmithing to put a rail mounted short eye relief optic on a mosin. They either need to go full on realism or not this half ass realism we have now does not work.