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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Yea the .22 lr is not the most lethal round in the world but what it is is notorious for murders. It is preferred by assassins for its small size and noise. In the United state it is probably the most used caliber for murders especially among gang members.
  2. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Fine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Robert_F._Kennedy A 22 lr revolver was used.
  3. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Let us not forget http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attempted_assassination_of_Ronald_Reagan Weapon used.
  4. gibonez

    Thanks For The Greatest Alpha Game Yet...

    This and rust are keeping me busy.
  5. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    The appeal will be the sheer amount of the ammo for the weapon. The very low volume it has and how accurate it is. Aim for the head and the 22 lr will be deadly on players.
  6. gibonez

    3d person cheating with screenshots

    Cheap and should be removed.
  7. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    I would imagine killing a deer with a 22 lr would involve shooting it in the head or a vital area then tracking the suffering animal until it died.
  8. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Let us not forget that 22lr weapons can come into easily concealable delivery methods such as the pen guns used by mos-sad agents during the 70s.
  9. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Thats still 600 feet. Pretty far.
  10. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Thats 656.168 feet.
  11. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Hoping to see a paclite too. Those are pretty affordable and from what I hear insanely popular.
  12. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    Thank god we do too cause arma 2 is unplayable for me without ace.
  13. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Same here I would prefer a bolt action 22 lr myself with a good edge on accuracy over the 10/22. Not to say the 1022 is not accurate .
  14. gibonez

    Realism and Weapons [Balanced or Realistic?]

    This is one of the few cases where more realism is indeed more fun. Realism just adds to the dayz experience it adds logic and common sense to the game itself.
  15. gibonez

    Level of Weaponry Available (Poll)

    What makes you think this ? What would actually happen is militaries would work to secure their borders so the virus would not spread. You wouldnt find any high end American guns on any soldiers sent there for humanitarian purposes. Just iron sighted m16s and m4s.
  16. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    yup and according to porn the Czech women are insanely hot too.
  17. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    It's looking like it will. Hopefully civilian weapons reign supreme and m4 is as high end as it gets.
  18. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Yea I am actually quite amazed at how chill the gun laws are there. Fact that getting a full auto version of a gun simply requires a permit is amazing.
  19. gibonez

    The DLC disscusion

    Dude there will not be any dlc on dayz or I should say it will not be successful everyone will move on to one of the mods that improves the game anyway. Just like the mod people will go towards free mods that add more content and improve the game.
  20. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Russia and chechnya are irellevant since the game takes place in the Czech republic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_politics_in_the_Czech_Republic From the looks of it gun policy in the czech republic is pretty lax and it appears weapons from all over the world are bought and used there. Would make perfect sense for the ruger 1022 to be in game since it is by far the most popular .22 lr rifle in the world.
  21. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Accuracy and bullet drop are two different things. I understood your comment as saying that 22 lr are inherently inaccurate.
  22. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    What are you talking about 22lr is insanely accurate. Heck most competition guns are 22lr for a reason. Most 22 lr rifles are built for accuracy and come out fitted with bull barrels this is due to how popular they for plinking and target shooting.
  23. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Lots of militaries use silenced 22 lrs. Israel uses the ruger 1022 with a silencer and optics in combat.
  24. Rust has the best solution to each of these problems. When you log off your player stays in game but sleeps. Each server has its own saved player location so this eliminates ghosting or server hopping.
  25. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    Well chenarus is the Czech republic correct ? Cz firearms has a ton of 22 lr rifles and pistols so it would be hard to imagine the round not being popular there. http://www.cz-usa.com/products/by-category/rimfire-rifles/ http://www.cz-usa.com/products/by-category/rimfire-handguns/ Looks like CZ makes some really nice rimfire weapons.