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Everything posted by gibonez

  1. Beautiful thing about ACE was that it rewards skill. While ACE and MOA elevation adjustments make a 300m shot harder it also gives you the possibility to crank up the elevation and attempt 1200m shots with .308s if the player is skilled enough.
  2. When it comes to long range shooting it means the same thing. You can't have an authentic weapons and optics in a game without them being realistic. Like I said I don't think the word means what you think it means.
  3. gibonez

    Some looooonngg range shooting.

    Snipings too daam easy in stand alone.
  4. I don't think the word thinks what you think it means. This would be one of the cases where Authenticity and realism are the same exact thing.
  5. While that is true it does not change the fact that sniping in Dayz and Vanilla Arma 2 is extremely easy and unrealistic.
  6. Amen adding a realistic way to adjusting MOA would result in sniping becoming harder while at the same time not resorting to a crappy cheap method to achieve that. Currently in game the games are extremely inaccurate I suspect this is to combat the ease of sniping when in reality all they have to do is adopt real world methods of accurate long range shooting and revert accuracy to its real world standards. This method will lead to people who get sniped not feeling cheated out or bad since they would know it took a reasonable amount of skill to achieve that shot. On the other side of the spectrum it would result in most attempts at long range shots not being successful not because of cheap game mechanics but because the shooter lacked skill. Overall this will lead to people requiring skill and experience when focusing on a long range shooting.
  7. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    There u go.
  8. gibonez

    Get shot while waiting on host

    You dont have to in rust you can build houses and protect them using doors that only you can open. When Dayz gets base building and stuff such a method could be used.
  9. That seems to be a bug. Hopefully its fixed and the weapons accuracy are adjusted to realistic real world values.
  10. Pretty much this is what the threads for. More authentism for each weapon and optic added in the game. For example while the western long range hunting optics and tactical optics can be elevation adjusted in moas russian optics such as the PSO - 1 can be adjusted by 50ms at a time up to 1000m. When you adjust the turrets for a specific range the chevron inside the scope moves lower. What I ultimately am wishing is authenticity and realism these 2 things would improve the game tenfold.
  11. M4. The gun I hope eventually is the highest end gun in the game.
  12. Thread isnt so much about zeroing a rifle as much as how elevation adjustments are made in game. Reason why I used the term Zeroing is because to most people in the forum elevation adjustments are known as "zeroing" With my method a gun should be zeroed at 100m and 100m should correspond to 0 moa in elevation or if the optics are of european or are using metric 0 mils.
  13. gibonez

    Get shot while waiting on host

    Pretty much. I honestly wish it was more hardcore than that. I hope eventually when you log out your character just lays down and goes to sleep leaving you vulnerable. This is how it works in rust.
  14. I wish I would have found this video earlier. This video essentially explains what MOA is and how it applies to distance shooting. I posted it because I believe there is still some confusion as to what this thread is about.
  15. Ok this is actually quite brilliant its an idea that I think both sides would agree with. Having a weapon on your hands locks you in to fpv. Having a weapon on your back allows for third person view with a delay for both.
  16. Pretty much. Adopting the real world realistic method of elevation adjustment for scopes and iron sights would raise the skill cap instantly. It would improve gameplay by resulting in far fewer snipers but at the same time not punishing good players. Good players would learn to adapt while skillless players would quickly abandon sniping and stick to close combat due its ease. Above this would be adding complexity and depth to the game something it desperately needs.
  17. I am sorry but I don't quite follow your comment. I am not proposing the adjustment by wind since I am not entirely sure its even possible at this point in the Stand Alone engine. What I am proposing is the elevation adjustment aka "zeroing" be completely changed so it is realistic for each weapon and most importantly optic. The mosin nagant for example in game is completely wrong when you have iron sights you are only allowed to adjust elevation up to 300m. When in reality you can adjust up to 2000m. The pu optics are another case in game they allow adjustments up to 300m. In real life you adjust up to 1300m that 13 on the elevation dial = 1300m. Same applies to the long range scope in game. It allows for adjustments in 100s of meters up to 800 m when in reality it would be adjustable in either MOAs or Mils there would be no elevation turret for that scope listing 100,200,300,400ms etc in range instead it would have MOAs or Mils. Civilians use this same method of aiming. Civilian hunters keep data books on their ammo especially since so many hunters hand load. Like you mentioned these are survivors so they wouldnt automatically know what moa adjustments or how many clicks correspond to what range. Military snipers know their weapons in and out so they can adjust range and windage in seconds dayz survivors are civilians so they would have to keep a cheat sheet with them. like so a small sketch pad or notebook with the proper moa adjustment for the ranges they desire.
  18. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    I though chenarus was essentially the Czech republic ?
  19. It is most definitely not hard in Vanilla arma and in dayz. Sniping in dayz is extremely easy. Making 800m shots is insanely easy. This new elevation system would also add like spanish mentioned more precision to sniping. You would now be able to adjust your bullet for exact ranges say you have a target a 640m currently you have no way of ranging to that exact range. With an moa system say for that partiular rifle 600m is 21 moa in elevation and 700 is 25 Hitting to 640 would be somewhere around 23 moa.
  20. Not sure what to say to that. Sniping is hard in real life shouldn't it be in game ?
  21. My thought is about removing the current zeroing aka elevation adjustment with one that is realistic. Currently in game you adjust scopes in dayz and vanilla arma by 100s of meters. What I am proposing is adopting the ACE aka real life method of adjusting optics in dayz. Pretty much adopting this method of zeroing in dayz. Watch that video and you will understand.
  22. It should be one or the other not both. Third person view you aim in third person view and dont have first person. on first person servers only first person view.
  23. gibonez

    Lets talk about 22. lr

    If only Rocket would allow you to infect bullets with feces or zombie blood delivering infection to a player shot. You can then follow their diseased bodies during which time they cant disconnect and then finally watch them die after you stalk them for and hour or so.
  24. As it stands third person view is completely broken. While in a perfect world I would love the option of third person view included in the game it just is not possible at the moment. What they can do is remove it from all servers until they fix third person view. They can fix it in one of several ways such as changing the position of the camera, adjusting the zoom in tpv, locking in the camera in tpv to prevent peeking around corners. any number of fixes can be done.
  25. gibonez

    M4 further customization/atachments

    I am all for it as long as they make the m4 the top end gun in the game meaning nothing is rarer than the m4 and its accessories.