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Everything posted by Use_a_Joint

  1. Use_a_Joint

    Takistan: Why I recommend trying it...

    I love Takistan but it pisses me of that their are no hospitals..
  2. Use_a_Joint

    Ghillie + backpack

    im not a bushwookie but i have to disagree sorry but i don't like the idea. i think almost nobody would enjoy the ghillie anymore if u can't take ure Alice or Coyote with u. :P
  3. Hello i want to ask the staff or other Players if they want those MK16 , MK17 , M110 weapons from arrowhead in DayZ. I would gladly appreciate if we get more AR's like the MK16 and so on from arrowhead.. there are much unused weapons from that game and they are not overpowerd.. so please add them in the game.
  4. uhm actually my idea was like that: Just simply add those weapons. I Don't want lower droprates just simply more variety.
  5. i accidantly put my MK.48 mod 0 with 4 belts in a fireplace disconnected came back and the fireplace just dissapeard i didn't changed the server and i didn't did anything except for relogin because of visual bugs
  6. Use_a_Joint

    Loosing stuff in fireplace

    oke ill keep that in mind Disgraced.and what means Bummer?
  7. Use_a_Joint

    DE 353

    A Hacker at 0:38 GMT +1 spawned us midair and just killed us i survived and he shot me with his LMG . His name was Dave , my squad and me was the only one there and him so he obviously got killed by him. We got no screenshots or something like that. i don't know if its the right Forum here pls move it if not.
  8. lol i didn't meant they should spawn this shit on the coast they should spawn those in military barracks. the MK16 is as powerfull as the M4
  9. lol i didn't meant they should spawn this shit on the coast they should spawn those in military barracks. the MK16 is as powerfull as the M4