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About andreasb

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  1. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    1) Changes are needed. ArmA2 owns, DayZ kinda suck ,why do you think that is? Its a survival game where your experience gets ruined by fucktards shooting other players for no fucking reason. 2) I will
  2. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    In my book thats ruining gameplay.. I'd rather have cheaters...
  3. andreasb

    Starting Bandit Group on US 666

    Stupid? No.. Honest? yes..
  4. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    Yes, I am fucking serious. Because they would have no other choice than to let me go. If we are gonna draw parallels they need to be on the same page. If picking up a hacked in weapon is like picking up cocaine, then there is also a law stating you cant be punished for picking up that cocaine, because there IS A RULE that states you cannot ban for possession! Whats wrong with hating on bandits that kill for no fucking reason? Thats called ruining gameplay for others.
  5. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    Dont forget the law that states that you cant be punished for picking up that cocaine... Because that rule actually exists for possession.
  6. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    No, I'm saying it should be blacklisted for not following rules laid down by rocket/dayz. One of them is that you MAY NOT ban for possession. It has been specifically said by rocket and other staff. you should not kick/ban for possession, only for spawning
  7. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    Say you are walking in the woods, and you find 100 euro. Do you take them? Or do you give them to the police? If you answer the latter you are: A FUCKING LIAR..... Same applies in games. If you find something, you take it. The difference here is that its a private hive, and as such the admin has the rights that every official-hive-admin should have. He can remove people for suspicion, (Face it.. A few false-positives is acceptable to get rid of hackers..) Not like the rules are now, where its better to have a few hackers than to have a few false positives. When you hack you always run the risk of getting banned. If you hack obviously, you should be banned. Even if you hack non-disruptivly, you deserve to be banned. The problem with official hive is that you cant do this.
  8. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    And that admin/server should be removed as a whitelisted server fast as fuck. That IS abusive. Maybe not in the words original meaning, but not following a set of rules is abusing.
  9. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    1 ) No. At most its exploiting. 3 ) ehh, what? Please try again. "you must to say" thehell does that mean?
  10. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    Nope, thats not what I'm saying. What I am saying is: 1 ) Dont break rocket / DayZ staff's rules. Or get the fuck out as admin. 2 ) Please dont take the hacked gear, but if you do, I cant stop you as of right now. 3 ) I am a dick, deal with it. But atleast I follow admin rules ;) Its not my fault the rules are wrong, and favour hackers.
  11. andreasb

    Starting Bandit Group on US 666

    All these bandits need to meet up somewhere in Oslo so I can take my shotgun and get rid of the lot.. Lowest of human scum = bandits in DayZ
  12. But they arent cheating. At the most they are exploiting, and there STILL is a rule that says that you cannot remove any person only for possession... Follow the goddamn rules or stop being an admin, and be a player instead. Support to work it? You arent even supposed to notify them OF IT! (Possession) You DO NOT BAN OR KICK for possession. Its a shitty rule, but ITS THERE.
  13. andreasb on Six Launcher

    So its actu So its activly trying to get dayz players from trying other mods? I see. SixUpdater _ALL_ the way.
  14. Taken out of context. And you fully understood what I ment. Even if a player cheats, an admin should ALWAYS stay above it, and deal with it in a proper manner. Not go around admin abusing.
  15. andreasb

    Lingor Island, Hacked weapons already

    Absolutely not, I have never used an illegitimate weapon, nor do I have any. I'm openly admitting to following the DayZ rules as laid down by the mods creator. Since this is a private hive all I can do is stay away from the abusing :) Maybe :) But then again I know alot of people I could get to join there ;)