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About Samio25

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Samio25

    cant join servers

    this exact thing was happening to me and i can play now, follow the steps on this post and then restart your computer. I know you cant start up arrowhead, just ignore that bit http://dayzmod.com/f...24-error-fixes/ (under bad CD Key)
  2. Samio25

    cant join servers

    i have the same problem i didnt have any mods installed and my operation arrowhead did similar things and i had that same message when i tried to join a dayz server, i bought the combined operations bundle on steam
  3. Whenever I try to join a server the little white loading screen comes up, all of the boxes are ticked apart from the last 2, and then after a while I get an error message saying "Bad serial number given in Setup". I have ARMA2 and operation arrowhead installed on steam ( I bought combined operations), but when i launch arrowhead it says "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow', and when I launch combined operations I get an error that says "Error compiling pixel shader PPSpectacularAlpha:0". I have tried re-installing operation arrowhead and the problem is still persisting, any help would be appreciated. Samio25