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Everything posted by bushw00ki3

  1. bushw00ki3

    cheaters on LU 188

    okay i know you wont and dont believe but there's no need to believe me but i'm just trying to clear my friends names from being banned for hacking when they didn't..... You can farm them in stary and nw airfield barracks easy but U need to learn how to, and the reason the bodies are intact cuz they didn't go back to that server. we joined it to kill bandits that kill fresh spawns (cuz its just the wimps who kill them)... we have been playing dayz since it came out soo had an easier start then other people, i'm just gonna not argue cuz i cant get through yr head that we had been playing for a while and we know to get food and water and rush north.......... dont believe a word i say just don't call people that you don't have proof just cuz they was kicked for using scripts it does happen if u press Shift+p by mistake............. if u want you gear back PM and i'll try to find some good weapons that we dont use.
  2. bushw00ki3

    cheaters on LU 188

    they was 5 of us i just lefted as soon as we tped soo i was not on the bus, but as i did i heard a lot of shots and i was talking to them and they was like the hacker just toke us to a bandit on a roof. i know 2 of them died cuz they was like ahhh i just died but the hacker and 1 of them was still alive, also u ever thought that people us the same guns soo they can share ammo. and its pretty easy to get endgame gear now just rush north places like stary and airfield (even with bugs) and get gear i mean you farm stary for an hour u can get a cco sd and like 15 mags with is as well as good backpacks and other items the tents are more like high/;middle yield, ghillie suits are easy to find to like in cherno in the 4 houses near hospital at the north 2 hours maybe a bit less u have like 4-5 ghillies
  3. hey i was joining a game and then i get bad serial number given in setup and now i cant join anything or load up arma 2
  4. bushw00ki3

    cheaters on LU 188

    i heard someone shooting like a madman in elektro. also i know they are not hacking cuz i was in skype with them and the guy we randomly found us and told us that he was but didnt take much notic to that ath te time cuz anyone can say they are but when he tp'ed us it was like O.o but u shooting at me and my friends didnt help we had been on day 60 when u shot us and ended it but if dont matter. i can tell u that the two people names you have told us are not hackers! can tell u that
  5. hey people hope you can help i keep getting stuck in Setup complete please wait screen and i can load up my gear and stuff. Please help
  6. bushw00ki3

    Military offroad

    hey was the military off road removed from dayz? cuz i dont know i played dayz since it came out but i lost track and didnt read the patch notes
  7. bushw00ki3

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    when will dayz commander be able to use this update?
  8. bushw00ki3

    Military offroad

    that happen to me the other day waiting in a car out side a supermarket in NW airfield (cant remember the name) and my car started flying when i told my friend i was bored it start i was like O.o wtf
  9. bushw00ki3

    Military offroad

    okay thanks cuz i was wondering cuz i saw a group of people driving around in one
  10. bushw00ki3

    Military offroad

    i mean the land rover this one http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Military_Offroad (wiki link)
  11. bushw00ki3

    Military offroad

    chears for the flame dickhead
  12. i was by myself in cherno and well a group of 6 fresh spawn was running down the road and i kill them all for pain killers and just to us them as bait for other fresh spawns too this is kinda mean as i put a atv in there way to make them try to take it
  13. bushw00ki3

    NL14 bans

    Hey i need to ask why my friends got banned from my internet went and then they all got banned on the server for hacking and cheating when i blow up a charge on a the server that i found on a other server. they all got a ban the names are as follows: [CKS] IlikeNoobies [CKS] Mikephoenix [CKS] leettari [CKS] GrimHyena [CKS] ress More names will be added when i find them out
  14. bushw00ki3

    NL14 bans

    okay thanks for the quick reply and thanks for understanding i got ripped a new one when this happened
  15. bushw00ki3

    More Graphical bugs

    hey i saw there was a thread but it was closed soo i made a new one.. anyways there is a mass amount of graphical Balota airfield and also the medcial camp thats near by. also there are still a large amount around cherno and electro also at NW airfield
  16. bushw00ki3

    More Graphical bugs

    Okay thanks for this warning and update :D love u guys
  17. bushw00ki3

    More Graphical bugs

    how long till then?