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The Friendly Bandit

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Everything posted by The Friendly Bandit

  1. The Friendly Bandit

    Character keeps switches to sidearm upon logging in!

    The exact same thing happens to me. Does your screen instantly show you the debug plains for a second before returning to gameplay and then you pull your pistol out?
  2. The Friendly Bandit

    Why you shouldn't Roadkill

    Nice hacked SUV bro
  3. The Friendly Bandit

    [Standalone] More Server Specific Balance Settings.

    BTW. I love RDR :)
  4. The Friendly Bandit

    [Standalone] More Server Specific Balance Settings.

    This isnt undead nightmare lol
  5. The Friendly Bandit

    [TRADE] Looking for an M4A1 CCO SD

    I mjght be interested, for the as50 and the satchel charges.. PM me
  6. The Friendly Bandit

    BattlEye Script Restrictions?

    62 is when someone tries to mess with server control in the pool
  7. I think he just smacked his keyboard and posted it
  8. The Friendly Bandit

    Just put a full bandit skin

    Because the old skin was so cool it was one of the many reasons pvp was so rampant and rocket was working to change that
  9. Sounds like they were blowing shit up
  10. The Friendly Bandit

    this is FKING BULLCHIT

    Welcome to dayz. Dont break your leg in the door on the way in!
  11. The Friendly Bandit

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    I have a pretty bad computer. An emachines laptop which will fall apart if i even open the damn casing lol
  12. The Friendly Bandit

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    Well, what kind of fps would i be getting here? i'd be happy if it is at least 30 and how would that be relative to me putting down all the graphics to the lowest possible resolution? thx
  13. The Friendly Bandit

    Will this computer run it? Please help

    Thx for the help, guys, beanz for all! :D
  14. The Friendly Bandit

    Day Z Barbecue

    But seriously this needs more attention. You should make a new thread on the same topic to get the attention of more players who would be interested in this brilliant idea!
  15. All heroes out there, prepare for a shock! A group of dirty bandits have formed to fight the coalition and all the good work they do for our community! These bastards have a hit list of all the leaders of the groups in the coalition, and even dare to go after DR WASTELAND. Whilst i am not part of the coalition, i am forming my own group to hunt these arseholes who would kill u over a box of painkillers! The group will be called bandits beware, or BB for short. Anyone who wants to hunt the bandits will be welcome to join. Lets bring the fight to them! EDIT: This is the link to the post where the dirty bandits have formed: http://dayzmod.com/f...must-be-formed/ EDIT: I also need a new name BB does sound retarded lol, plz post some suggestions!
  16. i actually considered BDS, but thought it sounded like we were a bandit sniping squad, but ill reconsider. Thx!
  17. BI? yeah i kinda like that better
  18. The Friendly Bandit

    looking for people to help me kill people in elektro

    I bet your the kind of faggot who kills people with no weapons cos you have 3shayz trikshotz skillz cuz!
  19. The Friendly Bandit

    To the Owners of US 2037

    Im with you OP, and i notice that gibby and the admin arent replying as you get more people saying they believe you. Thats kinda funny, in a sad sort of way
  20. The Friendly Bandit

    Cz 550?

    No doubt your going to Elektro to kill countless newspawns with no weapons? Woah, L33t Wikid Skillz
  21. It makes you better than them lol
  22. Oh and another thing, how fucking dare you even MENTION Dr Wasteland! He had done so much work for our dayz community, he has helped everyone, even your pussy ass alt f4ing bandit friends! you are one fucked up individual. I hope rocket bans you from the game as im willing to bet all my money you alt f4 as well. Bitch!