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The Friendly Bandit

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Everything posted by The Friendly Bandit

  1. The Friendly Bandit

    US BOSTON: An Intelligent Interpretation

    Sounds good, I'll definitely check it out!
  2. The Friendly Bandit

    some sort of error, which i can't fix

    I like your name.
  3. The Friendly Bandit

    Creative KoS - Carebears at home

    No PVP server, wow you're a dick mate.
  4. The Friendly Bandit

    DayZ PvP Rodeo

    You come off as a massive dick.
  5. The Friendly Bandit

    Day Z - Quad "My Planet Needs Me"

    That quad was scared of you Nugo, you hear it shout?
  6. The Friendly Bandit

    What was your highest ever Fps on DayZ?

    150, with shadows off 60 (V-Sync) With my normal settings.
  7. The Friendly Bandit

    A bad death and Sloppy seconds

    Good read, I enjoyed it :)
  8. The Friendly Bandit

    DayZ Medics Clan

    I'll join Creep, of course. RIP G00gle, godspeed.
  9. The Friendly Bandit

    ORIGINS: Salvation City

    Just YOLOed it with a group of five, parked our MI17 in the middle of the shipping area, took several bullets to the engine and bailed. one man was shot in the head as we jumped out, died right away. A second was knocked out, legs broken. Me and one other made it to the hangars. He poked his head out, caught a sniper bullet. Died on the spot. Our injured man relogged as his knockout was glitched, and was on mainland. The two last men standing, my friend and I, tried to get to one of the urals. The server was desynching badly, and guards were running through the walls to take potshots at us. We said "Fuck it" and left. TLDR; Holy fuck Salvo is hard now.
  10. The Friendly Bandit

    New Dayz Origins Server

    As long as theres no age limit, I'd like to sign up! I have both a mic and TS, and like to consider myself mature for my age (14) I've been looking for an Origins clan for a while now. Thanks, - Oscar (Please PM me if you accept me)
  11. The Friendly Bandit

    TMW are (not) bandits

    Must say, I'm shocked. And disappointed. Having talked to Dr Wasteland, and knowing him as one of the nicest people I've ever met, it's a shame TMW are behaving this way without his direction. I honestly am shocked, and sad.
  12. DayZEVO is the mod for you! Set in a redesigned Chernarus map, DayZEVO is a roleplaying mod, adding many amazing new features to rewrite the way DayZ is played. RULES - First and foremost among these is a no kill on sight rule. You may only initiate hostile actions when/if: Another player/group initiates hostile actions towards you and/or your group. Hostile actions are defined as * Robberies * Kidnapping * Stealing items/vehicles from you * Clan war - If committing a robbery, you must also use in-game text messages as well as voice comms to ensure the person has heard you. - You have permission to shoot whomever does not comply with your actions, but you must be certain to ensure that they know your intentions are hostile. For example: If you kidnap something and they start to run away -> You may kill them If you rob someone and they open fire towards you -> You may kill them If you declare hostile intentions towards a player and they ask you to repeat what you said -> You may NOT kill them. However, if the repeatedly ask you with purpose of stalling, go ahead and hurt/kill them. - New Life Rule(NLR) means that you have been killed, and you have certain restrictions to follow. Be ware that this rule does not apply if you have been killed because of a glitch or an accident. §2.1 You are not allowed to take revenge or go back to the place you died if there is a firefight there. Unsure if there still is? Don't go back. §2.2 Any previous KoS rights you have is forfeit, and so is gear and vehicles you had at the time and place. §2.3 You are not allowed to re-join the firefight even if you have a clan that is still in it. Wait for it to be over. - Clans may declare war on each other, thus every member of each clan will have permission to kill the other. FEATURES There are too many features of DayZEVO to list, but I will detail the more important ones: - Safezones. In these areas there will be no killing, and is a sort of "hub" for survivors to trade, socialise and group up. - Whitelist. Sick of hackers ruining your game? Sign up for the DayZEVO whitelist. During this, you must explain your character, give his/her description, background, personality ect. - Attachments: Want a silencer for that nice looking M4? Find one and put it on! - Heavily edited loot tables: All guns from 7 different weaponpacks are lootable. - New skins/vehicles - Cannibalism (Ability to eat dead players) - New buildings After all this, why the hell are you still reading? Head on over to http://www.dayzevo.com/ and get whitelisted! The TS address is ts.dayzevo.com. Head on over there if you have any questions, complaints, or issues! Good luck You'll need it.
  13. The Friendly Bandit

    stop motion lag help

    Specs? BTW new beta patch drops frames.
  14. The Friendly Bandit

    Very mad friends

    Goddamit, he already has nearly as many beans as me.
  15. The Friendly Bandit

    Tired of being shot in the face? Tired of hackers? Want roleplay?

    Clans get a squad.xml
  16. The Friendly Bandit

    Tired of being shot in the face? Tired of hackers? Want roleplay?

    I'm not really an admin, I just play on the server and think it deserves more population but from what i've seen, it's very akin to Balota Buddies, with quite alot of staff monitoring the server (and playing on it) constantly.
  17. The Friendly Bandit

    Welcome to the Thunder Dome.

    what the fuck
  18. The Friendly Bandit

    Having fun with a Satchel Charge!

  19. The Friendly Bandit

    Uh hacker just started spawning everyone

    Indeed. But if you would like some help, you need to be a little more specific.
  20. The Friendly Bandit

    Average FPS?

    70-120 GTX 660 TI, I5 3570k 500GB HDD 8GB ram
  21. Honestly? Doubt it. That piss-poor XBOX reveal turned me off the next gen, and I'm sure it did the same for many others. It was absolute balls.
  22. The Friendly Bandit

    [Stand Alone] What do you want in standalone?

    Aren't you a hacker nick?