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Everything posted by bezerker

  1. bezerker


    lol watched whole video expecting sumthin cool due to it being posted :)
  2. bezerker

    Server history available?

    download dayz commander and there is a list of recently visited server on it :) hope that helps
  3. bezerker

    Not your typical run in

    sounds like a dream...
  4. bezerker

    Stuck at server Loading, just me?

    i seem to be getting this on a favourited server also yet another 1 of them loads fine
  5. bezerker

    Huey Disapear....

    had a heli myself for 2 days and after restart ours also dissapeared and to our suprise an hour or so later saw it fly over us in cherno
  6. bezerker

    A very lucky day in DayZ.

    yes auto bandit :P but gz on the gear and the well played kills makes a change for the snipers to be taken down in citys :)
  7. bezerker

    Clucking idiots

    leaves 2 choices, put up with the issues and understand the development or quit the game no need to rage...
  8. exactly what i thought that looks suspect of hacks lol
  9. bezerker

    What just happened?!

    funny to see but god damn annoyin to experience
  10. bezerker

    What just happened?!

    harsh but expected most of the time unfortunatly :(
  11. bezerker

    This was pretty disrespectful...

    i dont think you can really help any1 unless you know then 80% chance they will kill you if you do :(
  12. bezerker

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    dont think iv seen that 1 lol had it not register murders though
  13. bezerker

    So, you've just killed a hacker...

    well you can either stick around and snipe people as the hacker probly was doing, or you could dispose of his none legit gear and carry on :P
  14. bezerker

    Stuck in "Loading" screen!

    how long have u left it on loading for? sometimes it takes a loooong time to load
  15. bezerker

    This game is great

    lol yeh sounds like the average players first experiences in the game pretty cool aint it :) that jason guys a pain in the ass lol
  16. bezerker

    DayZ Random Dancing?

    had the same problem when i logged into the server last night about 5 minutes after logging in outburst of dancing
  17. bezerker

    Memorable/Funny Last Words (In Day Z)

    driving a car along north of elektra last night and spot a survivor running around the road. i get out and shoot him with a couple of rounds and get bk into my car with him alive... he then jumps into car next to me like oh hai guyz :) a few minutes of driving later he says oh im bledding out and gotta go meet my friend he bails out of car as im driving along "AAARGGHGH" ....dead
  18. Hey there, me and a friend play dayz together for a few days now and would like to join up with a group/clan in game for a more enjoyable group experience if any group out there are looking for 2 active players please let me know. BTW we are both from uk
  19. bezerker

    Sorry bro...you left us no choice..

    haha hes either got minerals or stupidness tryin to take down more than 1 personm at range with a shotty :P
  20. bezerker

    is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?

    i think if you already have all that gear its very risky lurking around airfield in sniper heaven tbh
  21. most players will kill on sight so your best chance is shoot first if you can find a gun in time
  22. bezerker

    Should I Or Shouldn't I

    i bought arma2 last week for the mod alone and played it everyday eversince its great fun
  23. bezerker

    A very nice guy or...

    look on the bright side it was a hacker encounter who decided not to kill and troll u :P
  24. bezerker

    I have everything, what should I do now?

    go live in cherno or elctra rather than the woods make survival more exciting :)