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Tommy Karlsson

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About Tommy Karlsson

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    On the Coast
  1. Tommy Karlsson

    Arma 2 key for the server?

    Ok thanks for the answer. Then i will read up some more on dayz servers and try it out in a day or two.
  2. I´m thinking of starting a server and have hardware (2500k@4,2 16gig) and bandwith (100MB) for it (arma 2 is bought on steam). But i´m not really sure if i need too buy another copy of arma 2 (and maybe OA too) since you need to install everything on again on the server. I do game on another machine that will NOT be on when i´m not gaming on it (far to loud). I know you can install steam and arma 2 on another computer using steam and "authorize" steam on that computer since i done that when swapping motherbord. The question is can i run the server on one computer and game on the other using the same arma key? I´m leaning at NO for now and don´t really want to try and get my steam or arma 2 banned,locked or someting like that. So an answer would be nice. And i have been seraching around for around 2 hours now and not found anything about this (only many,many treads,posts about servers saying the key is already in use). So i´m really sorry if this have been answered anywhere already (that i could not find).