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About Ronin07x

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  1. Ronin07x

    infinite loading screen

    Same problem here battleeye is up to date so is six launcher and my beta patch yet my player Ronin 15959814 has been stuck at a never ending load screen for some reason for over a week now, i changed no files and the same ppl i play with are able to login to the server we play on, is my file data corrupted on the hive or no?
  2. Ronin07x


    Maybe just allow fortifying at night and have more zeds spawn or be more aggressive when they hear noise or see light and upon daybreak the fortifications fade.
  3. Ronin07x

    Flashlight + pistol symbiosis

    I like the idea of a headlamp add on a lot of civilian and military use them so it could be a lot more common but maybe nerf them a bit with how far the beam goes.
  4. Ronin07x

    skills idea

    I actually like this idea, it reminds me of some of the old but good pen and paper rpg's like dungeons and dragons where you could choose a profession which gave you small bonuses or skills that didn't really unbalance or overpower any single class. Lets face it some of the survivors are going to be former military or doctors or mechanic. Maybe have former medical personnel come with more medical equipment at first spawn and maybe can perform transfusions outside a hospital setting, maybe the soldier comes with an m4 or ak but little or no ammo or maybe even a pistol with a red Lenz flashlight attached. A scout could come with a silenced .22 pistol with little ammo. A hunter could come with matches and a knife or a knife and a compas. There's all sorts of different combinations.
  5. Ronin07x

    New Zombies/ Small Bosses?

    I actually wouldn't mind some zombie variants what If a zombie was a really big guy before he was infected that would be a premise for just a larger harder to kill zed or what about if some soldier zombies or cop zombies had body armor on they should def be harder to kill and also maybe add the benefit of another loot able item body armor which could always be damaged and only protect you from bullets and not Zeds themselves.
  6. Ronin07x

    Global Siren Sound (Every player hears it)

    I think An air raid siren is associated with a decent number of zombie apocalypse type movies so I can see it somehow being associated with the mod I'm not sure what kind of dynamic it would play out tho since this is mostly post apocalypse. Maybe have it as a useable item at the airfields that somehows draws in a horde or something.
  7. Ronin07x

    Suggestion [Blood Donation]

    I think transfusion is a great idea but bringing blood type into it might make it too tricky because the chance of your party having each others blood type isn't overwhelming I'd say yes to transfusion but no to blood type
  8. Ronin07x

    Simple suggestions

    Nice 28 days later reference, like the graffiti at the left 4 dead safe rooms and they sort off told the story and further humanized the survivors.
  9. Ronin07x

    Bloodsuckers, bloodsuckers everywhere

    Like the hoard scream from left 4 dead
  10. Ronin07x

    Simple suggestions

    I'd like to preface my post with saying I really enjoy the dev teams desire to keep this mod simple and immersive while using in-game skins and items without adding too much fluff that tends to bog down mods. Also, I'm not sure what is and is not possible with the arma 2 engine I know arma 3 is promising to add all kinds of in game functions that don't exist In arma 2 but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Here's a list of things I'd like to see in the game. - some editing of the map to add to a potential plot or overall mood. Now I know it's dark enough as it is but imagine entering a smaller town to find military corpses piled around a burnt out tank with a dead horde all over to lead to the conclusion that shit went down here or maybe a sign on a village saying looters will be shot followed by a corpse hanging from an overpass. Maybe signs that clearly state quarantine or biohazard area or post apocalypse graffiti. - gas masks: maybe certain areas have a dense off color fog as a result of the military trying to use Chem bio weapons on the infection and to go through the area you need to dawn a gas mask a findable in game item. - weather: I know there's rain and lightning but what about snow? And maybe during these storm like conditions you get hungry faster unless you find shelter and build a fire maybe pitch your tent or get inside a building. Weapons: civilian versions of military weapons maybe an m4 with only iron sights and single shot instead of full auto. And there should be melee weapons bayonet or shovel etc this is all for now.