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RiDDiX (DayZ)

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Posts posted by RiDDiX (DayZ)

  1. The game becomes more and more broken pachted.

    I really loved patch Everything worked nice and only little Bugs.

    After everything went into a big fail. Ok now Helicopter spawning again but you cant save them or any other Vehicle. Nothing is save able. After restart everything is gone. I know it Alpha but why you cant reapply the old codes from older versions to make vehicle saveable??

    If this mod will be standalone truely than it need more years.

    • Like 1

  2. Ur just an other fcking loot camper. They should get banned because ur one of this persons of leave the game if they get shooted.

    Yes I am serious. Just an other Fail. Many Server switcher sit on this island and switching always server till if they find people.

    Learn to play this game.

    I am happy that u got banned on an Server. But now they should ban more because loot camping and server switching is just stupid.
