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Everything posted by jimmy_001

  1. This is the new loottable for Deer Stands : Zombie chance : 30% Zombie count : 1 - 3 Loot chance : 50% Loot spawns : 2 Hunter loot : 56.29% Bandage : 26.74% Arrow : 26.74% Lee Enfield Mag. : 13.37% CZ550 Mag. : 13.37% M1911 Mag. : 5.35% Heatpack : 5.35% Water Bottle [Empty] : 5.35% Trail Mix : 2.67% MRE : 1.07% Military loot : 37.52% Empty Tin Can : 16.67% Empty Soda Can : 8.33% G17 Mag. : 4.63% DMR mag : 3.70% 30Rnd. AK : 3.70% 30Rnd. STANAG 3.70%AKM Mag. : 3.70% 8Rnd. Slugs : 3.70% 8Rnd. Pellets : 3.70% Antibiotics : 3.70% Bandage : 3.70% Heatpack : 3.70% Painkillers : 3.70% Smoke Grenade : 3.70% MRE : 2.78% M9 Mag. : 1.85% MP5 Mag. : 1.85% Chemlight [blue] : 1.85% Chemlight [Green] : 1.85% Chemlight [Red] : 1.85% Smoke Grenade [Green] : 1.85% Smoke Grenade [Red] : 1.85% 100Rnd. M240 : 0.93% 10Rnd. M107 : 0.93% M9SD Mag. : 0.93% M203 HE : 0.93% M203 Smoke : 0.93% 200Rnd. M249 Belt : 0.93% 30Rnd. STANAG SD : 0.93% MP5SD Mag. : 0.93% 5Rnd. M24 : 0.93% M203 Flare Green : 0.93% M203 Flare White : 0.93% M67 Frag Grenade : 0.93% Morphine Auto-Injector : 0.93% Soda Can [Coke] : 0.93% Soda Can [Pepsi] : 0.93% Map : 1.50% Box of Matches : 1.13% Flashlight : 0.94% Hunting Knife : 0.75% CZ550 : 0.75% Compound Crossbow : 0.56% Machete : 0.56% only 3 weapons, where only 1 is a bit useful !
  2. jimmy_001

    Worst way to die?

    There was 2 players and a big rock, wanted to get a good place to shoot them so i run to the rock just as i checked you could go completly in the rock, from outside you only could see the nose of my weapon, i shot one of them the other disconeckted. when i run out i died instantly, and after i couldnt acsess my body, and had epic gear !
  3. jimmy_001

    Dayz: Attack your enemy when at their weakest

    man, these victims who should distract players, you have a lot ! nearly all clan uses victims ;)
  4. jimmy_001

    Oh I wish I was a...

    I would like to be one of these little glowworms and flying around dropping M67 Frag Grenades on people's heads !
  5. jimmy_001

    "Wait for host" problem

    so can you tell what the problem was, and how ya fixed it ? :)
  6. jimmy_001

    Wait For Host

    i got the same problem, all server i join, wait for host ! i have a newer version as the dayz commander, and all the days befor i could play everywhere ! today, all server wait for host ! ???
  7. Hey, i have a problem when i seleckt the "Launch using Steam" button in the settings from DayZ Commander ! The original map "Chernarus" works properly but all other maps it says me bad version... so i have to not launch using steam, than it works ! But i want to play other maps by using steam, that you see in steam that i´m gaming something and to use the shift tab steam browser........ ???? :)
  8. All other maps than "Chernarus" dosn´t work, and i have join only servers with the newest versions and i have only the newest versions ! its possible to run other maps with the dayz commander and using steam, but how ! or how you mean running with beta patch ?
  9. ok, i just got it, in the settings the button : Launch using Steam i swiched off, and now it works !
  10. Yeah, i just got it worked, coz of you i looked a few settings and i swiched of : Launch using Steam and now it works :D
  11. I can join the servers with the other map, even can join the game, but in the game the screen blinks with that message : You are running an incorreckt version of DAYZ_CODE, please download this file from dayzmod.com/downloads (You are running version and the server is running version 1.2) But i installed version 1.2 of the map from lingor island ! ?
  12. Hey, i installed lingor and fallujah map by using dayz commander, but how do i change launchoptions ? coz now i only can play on charnarus map ! ?
  13. Hey, i get the same message ! : You are running an incorreckt version of DAYZ_CODE, please download this file from dayzmod.com/downloads (You are running version and the server is running version 1.2) And only when i want to play lingor of fallujah island, that i both installed from the dayz commander ! The original dayz map chernarus works with no problems ! For lingor and fallujah, i can join the lobby, join the game, and than the screen blinks with this message ! In the serverlist of dayz commander even stands next the lingor or fallujah servers : installed server : 1.2 ?????? Need Help Please ??????
  14. jimmy_001

    Bad version, Server rejected connection

    I checked the problem ! when i install all the latest updates, i even can´t joint lots of servers ! and why, coz the version i am using is still an old one, how to see the real version, in the main menu of arma 2 all down right ya see what version ya using ! but how changing the version, if its not posible with the dayz commander, or manualy install ! ?
  15. ok, the server owner had problems with the server, and didn´t reseted it !
  16. i have no setted filters ! and for the loot i had 2 days the same loot on the same places ! ?
  17. Hey, how long does it takes in dayz that new loot spawns ? And what the hell is wrong with that search bar ? It just dosn´t find anything !
  18. jimmy_001


    Hey, i need quick help ! i parked my vehicle in a house and i closed the door ! does the vehicle stay there or does it get destroyed when new loot spawns ?
  19. Hey, Me and all other people have problems with that **** six launcher !!!!!! first you search a good server than you build ya tent on it, and after the sever is lost on six launcher, 1 moment it´s there the other moment its gone, sometimes you have to wait houers that your server comes back ! when server goes offline it´s ok but all servers can´t be restart 20 times a day ????????????????????? so how can you play this game normaly ? only to buy a server on ya own or what ?????
  20. jimmy_001

    Six Launcher spoils the game fun

    ok i understand dayzcommander is a program like the six launcher ! but the servernames are they still the same ?
  21. jimmy_001

    Six Launcher spoils the game fun

    ok, but what is dayz commander ? i play arma 2 more than dayz !
  22. jimmy_001

    Dayz Tent Bugs, Items disappear on server restart

    ???????????? eu WTF is that shit on server BE1, i just find out how to save gear in a tent even by serverrestart, so i puted all my epic stuff in the tent ( AS50, rangefinder nvgoogles, GPS, M9 SD,Antibiotic, Backpack,......) just to go for a few minutes in a town, on the way back, the server was not responding, and connection lost with host, after that my tent was gone, even other tents on my way ?????
  23. And why should there be anything in ya tent, all the things in the tents get deleded at serverrestart ! ? or you know a trick to save the tent even with serverrestart ?