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About originalzzzz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. originalzzzz

    Hacking on livestream...

  2. originalzzzz

    Hacking on livestream...

    all of his friends went to bed. funny how when albert healed him you heard nothing on his stream, but dinging noises
  3. originalzzzz

    Hacking on livestream...

    I don't edit this shit trying to keep dayz clean of hackers. After he turned it off and said that he borrowed it from a friends that he doesn't know... He turned it off....
  4. originalzzzz

    Hacking on livestream...

    yes he hides it when he has his "looking for server wait pls" screen up... Why do you think I just took that and he is still streaming
  5. originalzzzz

    Hacking on livestream...

    yeah hope he gets the hammer.
  6. using it also, to heal himself. http://www.twitch.tv/cutthroatdota