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About Turbobayer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Turbobayer

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (Shotgun Ammo/40mm Grenade + Tire) Output (Rubber Bullet) Tools (Knife, Tape) FailChance 0 Enchantments = Shoot > Long time knockout and small Damage ActionType = Ammunition
  2. Turbobayer

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (Magazine, Magazine) Output (Double Magazine) Tools (Tape) FailChance 0 Enchantments = Save Inventory Space ActionType = Inventory
  3. Maybe there are some iRacers in the DayZ Universe.. hope you like it :beans:
  4. Turbobayer

    Die as a Bandit.. Be a Bandit again

    That's the Point ! Just link the humanity to the hive.. but only to a maximum of 500/1000 or something positive or negative.. cause a good bandit would have like 40k minus, he would never reach the survivorskin anymore
  5. Turbobayer

    Die as a Bandit.. Be a Bandit again

    First 3 replys.. did you read my text ?! did you understand what i mean ? i dont think so.. i know how the humanity thing works ! but for me there is a little failure in it.. if a hardcorebandit dies, he wil respawn as a survivorskin with positive humanity, and he is continouing killing people.. as a survivor like me, it destroys the gameplay in a cerain way, because you can not trust on the bandit/survivor thing so you actually can't trust anybody would be a lot more fun to really see a beginner respawned guy who already is a banditskin because he was a bandit in the last life !
  6. I love that Bandit/Survivor thing with the different Character designs but there is some point which makes me sick.. In Fact that being a Bandit or a Survivor is a personal Desicion you should simply respawn as a Bandit, if you die as a Bandit.. Why ? Cause, watch my simple calculation first Server: 50 Players, probably 30 of them Bandits.. every Bandit dies two times = 60.. 60 !!! Bandit kills per Server while being in that Survivor Skin. I'm just tired of it everytime getting shot by an supposedly Survivor. It "retards" the Gameplay really much for me cause.. if you play DayZ and you decide that you want to be a Bandit, you probably gonna be a Bandit every time again My Suggestion:If you have been a Bandit in that Life before, just restart as a Banditskin with a Humanity of for ex.: -500.. Everybody absolutely knows that you are a bad Bandit guy.. and maybe some time ago you want to be a Survivor, you have to give somebody a Bloodtransfusion, so interacting with other players become maybe more intresting... mfg Turbo
  7. Underground !.. Hey guy's at first i'm going to apologize for my bad english, but i've already spent a couple of hours on Namalsk an i love it.. but anyway, i've got a (for me) great idea to improve the gameplay You all know the "object Al" in Namalsk, with the Undergroundbase in it.. brought me a brainwave ! At the moment there is absolutely no information in Game about the infection.. what is it ? where did it come from.. how to fix it ? How about making an Undergroundbase where the Infection "startet" ?! A Point where the People became Zombies.. A little secret research base where something misshappened.. I just imagine a Place which makes you "infected" if you go there, you can find informations about the infection there, other zombies, other loot, place for a secret camp which nobody can reach ?! You can make a lot of secrets there and help enhancing the "adventure" aspect for the game.. If you go to this Place you're getting sick, you are loosing blood, trembeling around and can't hear well anymore.. In a couple of minutes you realize that you are infected ! what can you do ? you are already to much into it, need medical threatment.. lets try some antibiotika.. fu** didn't work well.. Brainwave, you need an antiserum, search for it.. are other players here ?! cant find antiserum, maybe a other player already has taken it, maybe you can find him.. you have to trade, kill him give your weapon to get treatment of him, or maybe there just is no fu** possebility to treat the infection, you're going to die ! Make this a place where you can learn alot more about the game, look behind the infection what gives you a big advantage to the other players.. A Place which is important for the game, but actually you'll never going into this area because the risk, getting infectet is to big.. make it rare and like a dead area.. someday you will find a medicine which makes you immune to the toxic for a couple of minutes to risk a short trip into the area !.. You know, you can be very creative with a "hell-place" where really nobody wants to go but at the same time, everybody wants to know.. "what the hell is in it?" for some gamers it probably can be thier Destination-point for day-Z to just get into this place one time.. talking about it.. rumors.. traps.. Planning with the community to get enough medicine, if indeed there is one, to plan little "Raids" into this Area and have a look hop you like it..
  8. Hey Guy's just read the "Ford Friendly" Thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62185-fort-friendly-20-social-experiment/ and finally i've got an idea ....... sorry for my fu'' bad english What about 2 or 3 Stationary Forts/Bases placed on the Map, with AI-survivor-soldiers defending it ? like, your humanity says you're a bandit, - the AI will shoot you if you come near to the Base - the AI will shoot you if you shoot at them - if you are ultra-awesome and you killed all AI, you actually cannot open the Doors of the Base but as a Survivor-humanity - no AI will shoot at you - you can simply walk in - meet and greet with others - get food, get blood and share items - feel save to disconnect and reconnect I think at a Base in size of the Medicalbase close to the Airstrip SW with Sandbags around it, Spotlights at the Night etc.. This would bring a new aspect into the game, I would'd really like to enjoy ! Turbo, good morning..