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About Harlreddit

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  1. Ty to everyone who understood :) what was really going on here
  2. Server Name: US1917 (Your) Timezone: Pacific Time Zone UTC-8 Date/Time: 8-5-12 to 8-7-12 Server Administrator('s): Brett What happened: FIRSToccurrence of ADMIN ABUSE, US1917 has an admin abusing their powers. I was running around Solnichniy looking for vehicle parts. As I was scavenging the town for parts I run into a V3S vehicle (at its spawn point). I see a player (Main User) running for the vehicle being chased by Zeds. I decide to take a shot at him because I wanted this rare vehicle for myself and my friends. After killing a Main User, who was trying to repair a V3S Civilian, they immediately kick all players off to prevent me from taking the vehicle. I try to rejoin the server 2-3 times and get kicked every single time I join. After attempting to rejoin so many times, the server get locked (turned into a private server). This is considered cheating. Please do not join this server or support the admins. You do not want this to happen to you. ADMIN: Brett Player killed: Main User Evidence/Proof for FIRST occurrence: http://imgur.com/a/MHxpx#9 http://imgur.com/hxR45 [Players on before and after kicks]- http://imgur.com/a/bgjba#0 [banned the next day]- http://imgur.com/a/7bHlB#9 SECOND occurrence of ADMIN ABUSE, Today a GREAT day =D, I'm north of Stary and I see a heli flying above my friend and I. A couple minutes later the pilot dies randomly and the passenger ejects and parachutes down. We quickly run for the heli crash. I spot the player who ejects across the field as my friend goes for the crash. To my surprise its the admin "Brett". I suddenly jump to joy as I know this is the admin of the server and I've been hunting him all day. I line my shot and BOOM one shot with my FN FAL. He is dead. I killed the admin "Brett" today on my other Character Profile (as this CD key was not banned). After killing him I let him know about it on TS, again he goes with the ban. Not only does he use his admin powers to ban me, he gets my IP and decides to post it on the TS server we are on. Evidence/Proof for SECOND occurrence: http://imgur.com/a/vlNke#0 He also kept kicking my friend who was trying to loot his body, after banning me pertinently. It felt DAMN GOOD to kill him though :) REALLY GOOD!!! He QQ'd on TS, something about "pulling money out of my pocket to pay for my own server" and what not. LOLOLOLOL. Noty, Ill play for free and kill noobs like you Brett :) (Not going to take it to your level and kick people if things don't go my way) More evidence on this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64487-us1917-admin-abuse-have-gotten-several-reports/ ORIGINAL THREAD: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63219-us1917-admin-kicking-after-killing-them-adminbrettwig33/
  3. ADMIN kicked me after loosing their V3S. Rule broken.
  4. Today a GREAT day =D, I'm north of Stary and I see a heli flying above my friend and I. A couple minutes later the pilot dies randomly and the passenger ejects and parachutes down. We quickly run for the heli crash. I spot the player who ejects across the field as my friend goes for the crash. To my surprise its the admin "Brett". I suddenly jump to joy as I know this is the admin of the server and I've been hunting him all day. I line my shot and BOOM one shot with my FN FAL. He is dead. I killed the admin "Brett" today on my other Character Profile (as this CD key was not banned). After killing him I let him know about it on TS, again he goes with the ban. Not only does he use his admin powers to ban me, he gets my IP and decides to post it on the TS server we are on. http://imgur.com/a/vlNke#0 He also kept kicking my friend who was trying to loot his body, after banning me pertinently. It felt DAMN GOOD to kill him though :)))))))) REAL GOOD! He QQ'd on TS, something about "pulling money out of my pocket to pay for my own server" and what not. LOLOLOLOL. Noty, Ill play for free and kill noobs like you Brett :) (Not going to take it to your level and kick people if things don't go my way)
  5. Today a GREAT day =D, I'm north of Stary and I see a heli flying above my friend and I. A couple minutes later the pilot dies randomly and the passenger ejects and parachutes down. We quickly run for the heli crash. I spot the player who ejects across the field as my friend goes for the crash. To my surprise its the admin "Brett". I suddenly jump to joy as I know this is the admin of the server and I've been hunting him all day. I line my shot and BOOM one shot with my FN FAL. He is dead. I killed the admin "Brett" today on my other Character Profile (as this CD key was not banned). After killing him I let him know about it on TS, again he goes with the ban. Not only does he use his admin powers to ban me, he gets my IP and decides to post it on the TS server we are on. http://imgur.com/a/vlNke#0 He also kept kicking my friend who was trying to loot his body, after banning me pertinently. It felt DAMN GOOD to kill him though :)))))))) REAL GOOD! He QQ'd on TS, something about "pulling money out of my pocket to pay for my own server" and what not. LOLOLOLOL. Noty, Ill play for free and kill noobs like you Brett :) (Not going to take it to your level and kick people if things don't go my way)
  6. This looks familiar..... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63219-us1917-admin-kicking-after-killing-them-adminbrettwig33/
  7. My name is Jason in game, I changed my name multiple times as it was my only way to communicate with the rude admin who kept kicking me. The player i killed was Main User as it says in the original post. I joined again today, but this time.. i get banned. http://imgur.com/a/7bHlB#8
  8. So it was coincidence that I got kicked off the server after killing Jason who was going for a V3S? Who was still in the server after I was trying to rejoin multiple times? The server # stayed to 3/max the whole time I was trying to rejoin. I was playing on the server for about 4 hours straight. In that time there was no talk or evidence of a hacker.
  9. One of the original pictures shows "Brett (28 ms, *Admin*). http://i.imgur.com/yjfFi.png
  10. Correction, ADMIN: Benttwig33 Pictures of users before kicks and after; http://imgur.com/a/bgjba#0
  11. Still getting kicked off trying to join....
  12. US1917 has an admin abusing their powers. I was running around Solnichniy looking for vehicle parts. As I was scavenging the town for parts I run into a V3S vehicle (at its spawn point). I see a player (Main User) running for the vehicle being chased by Zeds. I decide to take a shot at him because I wanted this rare vehicle for myself and my friends. After killing a Main User, who was trying to repair a V3S Civilian, they immediately kick all players off to prevent me from taking the vehicle. I try to rejoin the server 2-3 times and get kicked every single time I join. After attempting to rejoin so many times, the server get locked (turned into a private server). This is considered cheating. Please do not join this server or support the admins. You do not want this to happen to you. ADMIN: Brettwig33 Player killed: Main User Proof (As much as I can) : http://imgur.com/a/MHxpx#9 P.S.- Rocket if you see this please do whatever you can to eliminate/ban/kick (whatever you call it) this server.