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Posts posted by Moviastar101

  1. I got a Bizon PP-19 SD that i don't rly want since i play more of the sniper role so that is what im looking for. Rangefinders gillie suit sniper rifles or a couple silenced weapons that i can spread around my team. I also have a gps or camo clothing i can throw in to the right trade.

    Pm me reply here or add me on steam Moviastar101. Thanks

  2. Dayz name : Owner

    How long have you played dayz: Just over a month now

    Time usually on: I live in canada at western stand time and am usually on since no school most of the day and night.

    What is your requested role: Well I LOVE to snipe i find it fun and makes me feel good knowing i can protect my team while protecting myself.

    What you want to get from joining: Friends to play and have some fun with and gear

    Will you stay loyal: Well you got to be loyal to your group or it's just won't work and if another oppertunity comes up I won't take it since I'm already in a group why do somthing stupid if you have good and loyal friends already.


  3. Hey I rlly want to help out I have a very good sniper shot so even if you just gave me a sniper that would be awesome I can help alot I'm very dedicated to teamates and this game. I live in canada and have a lil camp on a US server which we could put stuff to and just want somebody to play with and this idea sounds awesome. I have no camo or bandit skin or gillie so get back to me ASAP... Also what would we talk on?? THANKS so much and please get back to me id love to be a part of this and yes bandits suck they always say their friendly then boooom boooom boom so furstrating.
