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About ZeroSpacedude

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Whenever I play Dayz my computer lags very badly, around 10-15 FPS, mostly in the cities or towns. My FPS goes back up when i'm in the woods or if i'm looking at the ground while in the cities. It never used to lag like it does now,I used to play DayZ fine. Also I can play the base game of ARMA fine, I can walk into the city and everything and it won't lag. Can somebody help me out?
  2. Thanks for the help it worked. But for some reason I still can't play it straight from steam I have to play it through dayz commander. Oh well, better than nothing! Thanks again!
  3. I have already played DayZ in the past, it's been a couple of months, but when I tried to do it recently it doesn't work. When I go into the server browser and click on a server thats what comes up and I can't play. I will try your method today and see if it works.
  4. Any help? I have re installed both ARMA 2 and AO, I have tried to re install Battle eye but I just get "MISSING STRING!!!" I have also tried to run steam as admin and nothing works? Please help.