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About stampler

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    On the Coast
  1. stampler

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Who really gives a shit. It is a game so move on with your lives you fucktards
  2. stampler

    US 360 Admins tents.

    I will say it again, it wasn't us in the chopper. I wish they smashed you to be honest. It was not us shooting at you. Do I need to put it in capitals for you? I am assuming they were hackers from what you were saying as we have had bucket loads on different servers lately doing much the same thing. I am sure if you notify the admins and they are confirmed as hackers, then their arse will be gone, they will ban them as well as they have done this to other hackers in the past. Sorry about the tone, i am just over getting into the game and then getting called a cheat when all I do is above board and is due to spending way to much time on this adictive game. Start whinging when you are one of four players on a server and you and another guy keep dying when a chopper keeps teleporting above you and doesn't miss. This game has degraded to the point that even if you were killed fair and square, you would blame them being a hacker. I am so over all this bullshit. Hate to say it but hopefully a single player version comes out with release so I can isolate myself from all the idiots
  3. stampler

    US 360 Admins tents.

    On behalf of all players, Eat my arse you butt munching fucktart. Just fuck off and play in the traffic you retard.
  4. stampler

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Sorry, I just re-read my post and need to clarify a point. The server did not kick the guy who ALT F4 out as the admins informed me that he could not find that player on the list.
  5. stampler

    US 360 Admins tents.

    Hi mate, Wow, I am feeling a bit amazed at the moment because you seem to be able to label everyone as a hacker and cheat while displaying all the haulmarks of one yourself. I have just joined this forum to express my opinion and dismay with your comments, poor detective skills and just plain stupidity. First point. I am one of 10 guys that have set that camp up over a period of about a month. This was not a fun part of the game but it was required as our last base was compromised and we moved. I only recently found out it was a heli respawn point and was about to start moving locations. All that gear has taken 10 guys a month to accumulate from farming the NWAF and heli crash points. We also have found vehicles loaded with heaps of stuff such as the NVG's which we obviously kept. I can assure you I had spend days looking through the scope at the NWAF without even firing a shot guarding the guys who were farming. We were dedicated and it payed off. I had even noticed we had some extra tents down near the town so I was happy to share as the island as our gear was always there and a "truce" seemed to be in place. Second Point. Well done for finding the spot if you found it without cheating. Credit were credit is due but i cannot understand why you would destroy all that loot? Just take what you need and then when you come back, you might be able to get a resupply. I have never destroyed another camp as that is just poor logisitics mate and you loose your advantage. That is/was a rookie error. As for the camp respawning, don't know about that but they have always had gear in them when I looked. Maybe a server reset caused it to come back. Don't get me wrong, I am pissed right now but we can farm again and we still have guys with gear who can help out. Third Point. While I was on the island the other day my friend and i were shot at out of the blue and then the attacker ALT F4'd when we countered. Luckily the were shit shots. From that point on I was over near the light house to cover our guys on this side of the island while the were clearing the town. Low and behold, through my sight picture I saw some bloke spawn in and shoot my mate in the back. I had an ACOG (from the NWAF) and shot him multipule times (four hits to be precise) then he logged out. As this server has User names I notified the Admins who did NOT ban him much to my dissapointment. I hope that wasn't your buddy as he is just the sort of player that grits my shit. Talking all tough on team speak, Hopping in and out then running away when he gets slapped. That bitch play is just shit house and shows how pathetic you guys are for doing it. "Hard core gamers" who fucking cry when shot at after hopping in and out are shit, they bring the game down and have effectively killed this mod off IMO. Just as bad as the hackers to be honest. Fourth Point. As I previously stated, I was only aware of the Heli spawn point recently. I first realised when we found a heli on the island. We promptly attemped to fly it and crashed into the trees. We don't have a helecopter and did not assult you with one. If you haven't noticed, the hackers are everywhere and by the look of if, that dick stain "obvioushacker" on the forum was one of them. Trust me, nothing says hacker like getting a boat land on your head in Zeleno. Funny but extremely annoying the first time, out right frustrating. I was also dropped from 50 feets three in a row about 10 minutes apart and teleported to a debeg forest island without any equipment with several other guys in the last week on the server and i wish the server could ban the lot of them. We couldn't even kill ourselves on the island, do you know how shit that is! So in summary, well done on finding our shit, we should have moved earlier. I still think you are stupid for killing it off and the most important one......... GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BEFORE SPROOKING SHIT YOU ARSE CLOWN! Stop blaming the admins for trying to make there servers playerable for players, not dickwads and hackers. Off my soap box now.