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Everything posted by richard_b

  1. richard_b

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you could help me, doctor, I would love it. I'm north of Stary Sobor near the treeline (if you go to dayzmap.info it's near the 300 mark) I'm passed, out bleeding and have 4,000 blood. Thanks! I'll PM you when you get to me, tell me when you are near.
  2. richard_b

    Backpack issue?

    Give it ten seconds before you log out.... Also, read up on the Day-Z wiki about backpacks, and please just google this next time. Sometimes when you click open bag and put items in, if you double click it'll drop into a loot pile at your feet.
  3. richard_b

    Change server - Character saved?

    Yes. Anything on you will always stay. Please look it up next time.
  4. richard_b

    How do you drive a vehicle?

    Are you kidding? You need wheels, scrap metal, fuel tnak parts and engine parts to fix that thing. It won't go on it's own.
  5. richard_b

    Want to start a squad of elite players?

    I guess I could join if you guys have TS3. Tell me a bit about your group. You guys got vehicles, a camp? What kind of comms do you use? Anything I should know?
  6. Karma's a bitch, ain't it?
  7. richard_b

    Mi-8 Helicopter?

    Hacks, shoot him next time and avoid entering vehicle. It was available in pre alpha but taken out.
  8. richard_b

    will I lose my tent?

    Not really, I know Wiki is inaccurate, but two days is the deadline if you wanna play it safe, guy above me is lucky.
  9. Are you kidding? Nobody will trade for NVGs. They'll kill you on sight.
  10. IF it's in a backpack, then all the stuff in backpacks in cars will despawn after a bit (restart). If it's not that, don't know what to say, remember this is alpha.
  11. richard_b


    Lol, no. But that'd be funny, wouldn't it? While some guy isn't looking, pull stuff off his car :) You can however get stuff out of the back using the gear option.
  12. richard_b

    will I lose my tent?

    Here's how it works, and next time, please look it up on the Wiki. Save tent will keep the tent exactly where you place it (unless the server bugs and eats your tent). IF you save tent, and die, you have two days to pull everything out and put into new one. (Although it will despawn two days after death anyway) And don't be sad if you lose your tent one day-you will lose it at some point, remember this is alpha and the servers are buggy.
  13. Hey Danneh, haven't seen you in TS for a bit, what's the status on group vehicles?
  14. richard_b

    dayz is losing its meaning

    The MOD USED to be good for a reason-people trusted each other-albeit not all the time-and the KoS mentality wasn't there. But then CoD players, BF players, God knows who else flooded the game. And now, we have to be super careful crossing NWAF unlike three months ago.
  15. They are gone. I've said it a hundred times, look it up next time on the search for the forums.
  16. richard_b

    *Balanced* zed headshots required to kill

    You're onto something but the zeds are too buggy. They go through walls and do jerky animations that make an HS hard if not impossible. IF they slowed all the way down to the point of walking even when aggroed and crouched zombies when back to the old aggro animations, maybe it would work.....
  17. richard_b

    Sanctuary in Chernogorsk - A New Hope

    Are you... well, insane? First of all, you'd never get enough players into the city, never enough guards to maintain watch 24.7, and zombies will continue to spawn in the city. No offense, but you don't know the limitations.....
  18. richard_b

    Best place to find CZ550 mags?

    Barns, bro/
  19. Submitting now. By the way, you get my application?
  20. Thanks, can I join this? Currently at NWAF with some car parts and M4A3 CCO
  21. Hello all, been playing Day-Z for about a month and a half now and pretty much got everything down pat, I'm at the North West airfield with M4A3 CCO, Coyote backpack and some very decent loot including a fuel tank part. I'd really like a clan to join, clan doesn't have to be the best or L33t or anything but active with quite a few members and a camp if possible would be preferable. I'm 15, got a microphone, I have TeamSpeak 3 and I've been playing ArmA2 for a while now. And yes, mature.
  22. richard_b

    Any Survivor groups I could join?

    Lewis, sent you a PM.
  23. richard_b

    Helicopter Confirmation

    Not now, they are bugged to hell. Who knows when they come back?
  24. Hello all, been playing Day-Z for about a month and a half now and pretty much got everything down pat, I'm at the North West airfield with M4A3 CCO, Coyote backpack and some very decent loot including a fuel tank part. I'd really like a clan to join, clan doesn't have to be the best or L33t or anything but active with quite a few members and a camp if possible would be preferable. I'm 15, got a microphone, I have TeamSpeak 3 and I've been playing ArmA2 for a while now. And yes, mature.
  25. Definitely! Thank you! How is your clan doing on supplies/vehicles/members/camps?