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Posts posted by bankers

  1. i keep falling unconscious once joining and i was having connection issues. im down to 900 blood in a barn in staroye because i went unconscious after dc'ing while bleeding. these last up to 5 minutes and i just lay there helpless. any kind soul bring me a blood pack for transfusion ? i'm in the first barn on the side of the road coming from elektro

  2. Hi. My Arma 2 & Arrowhead are currently downloading in steam. Should be done in the next couple of hours. I am also looking for a partner in crime. Completely new to the game, watched a bunch of videos and read a bunch of posts. Very excited but I feel the game would be alot more fun in a team.

    Im 22, on holiday this week from work so have alot of free time. Let me know if you fancy teaming up and we can set up skype or something.

    perfect, i can share some of my knowledge, i can even tell you how to install it without any hassle (some help i wish i had when i was installing a few days ago) i'll send you a message with my steam name

  3. think your best bet is running 95417 beta patch on dayz version. if you updated with dayz commander, than you're going to have to revert, which is simple. the loading after character created usually takes up to 5 mins for me

  4. so i have been trying to install this game/mod for 5 hours. i understand it is a mod, and is in alpha, but christ, i've never had so many problems trying to play a game.

    once i correctly installed the game, i failed to join a few different servers. loading was taking an extremely long time (i know it's due to this game spiking my ping....). FINALLY managed to join a game, then it persisted to stutter... completely unplayable. i tried single player arma 2, so it's not my graphic settings, it's this game taking up an extremely large amount of bandwidth when attempting to join a server or playing in one (which has occurred 2 times in the past 5 hours). also note that i lose connection to mostly any server because my ms spikes to 1500-2500.

    so, i updated the battle eye dlls. removed all the damn files from the folder. put them in AGAIN. nothing helped. re installed the game, updated the battle eye server/client ONCE again and it still is not working. NOW i just get a battle eye error when trying to join any game, if i so choose to wait out the fucking 10+ minute load wait. i am very frustrated.

    i can play ANY other online multiplayer game without an issue. i have an internet speed of around 7 mbps.

    please, please help. i bought the game specifically for this damn mod and no matter how hard i try i CANNOT get this to work. i don't want to have to ask for a refund but i am thinking i may have to considering i can't play this mod.

    i'm on windows 7 using only MSE as a firewall.
