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Posts posted by sinisterpink

  1. Yanno I'm like...totally happy for Rocket and all that.

    But til I hear some engine details, what their plans are for fleshing this out and "taking it to the next level" I simply could not be bothered to give a fuck.

    We knew this was coming. All that mattered was the when, and now all that matters is the details....which we don't have.

    Damn, way to be an asshole. Give them a bit of credit, there had to be a load of red tape and discussion between BI and Rocket for this to happen. Now its set and we can stop worrying about "If" it will turn standalone and focus on what is gonna be like/when its gonna be released.

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  2. Hehe this comes in not long after I posted http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63216-the-war-z-is-bashing-day-z-hard-are-you-gonna-stand-for-it-rocket/ . Maybe it's a coincidence...

    ... but this is great news, congratulations to Rocket and his dev team for getting this far - amazing work guys! Looking forward to more updates on what your plan is with standalone.
