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Everything posted by Splasher(Unknown)

  1. Splasher(Unknown)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Hello Guys That My First WTF Expierience In DayZ sorry if my english is baaaaad Also Last night At The Morning 5:24 AM or so i walked trough A Forest near the Krasnostav Airfield I hear Zombies once i thought it was normal because is was near a House but then..it..was..getting paranormal I heard Zombies in the middle of the Forest On the left and Right side I saw around me not a single House Not a Deer Stand only..Trees i saw a Light and yelled YO FRIENDLY? The light was gone.. i turned around and checked my Map.. i was at Black Mountain when i get back into the Game I was at ..wait for it... THAT MOUNTAIN! nstanding right next to the Enterance .... I saw a guy At the Radio tower looking at me..He dissappeard But where he was standing now stands a Z...That was creeping me out I shot it with my M107 Then The Z was gone but there was not a dead Zombie Body then i got into the Radio tower then i saw a Flare Coming out the enerance of the Tower I saw a guy a guy with nothing he starred at Me Again Then I said yo friendly -No response.... then the Guy was again a Z then i shot him and he was gone..... Then i was at Skalisty Island teleported..again Then i saw the Heli were spawn there I looked at The Yellow green House I heard a story about that House.. I was trying to recoerd.. but I noticed i cant get ine the House...... Then I said Huhhh...Maybe The story was fake... *BLAB* Z attacked me I was in Panic... Saw a Player..In a Ghillie suit starring at meh I was in Panic i got in The Heli Then i said WTF? 4 Other guys were In the Heli and The Heli was fully repaired I tryed to shoot the guys They all turned into ZAwmbies I decided to fly away.. *WUUUUUSHHHH* Again Teleported ....but where? Now im at the Church Of Krasnostav I was in there cant get out why? barbed wire.. Then i Noticed Priests Surronded me.... Starring at me.. I shot them... I put away The Barbed wire Then trying to find the car soawn At Kranostav the car wasnt there but...A Tent looked in AS50 Hell yeah.. Then i heard behind me Zombie Growls Hm Normal you think? Then i Walked to Black Lake Good place to make a Base surrounded by stones water source a Airfield and Town with shop nearby... I saw The UAZ and Because Berezinos Factory was nearby.. i walked there FOund some Engine parts Fuel tank everything.. Then shortly after that I was going to the Lake Now it was surrounded by..Survivors like 10 we were 5 Players Online Then i thought Crazy shit is going on here.. I shot them but my First landed in head *WUSH* Everyone looked at me.. I shot them One by One I made my Base there and I said Time to go Asleep Crazzzzzyyy SHiiiittt going on Out there
  2. I dont need To be scared I got My AS50 My Backpack(coyote) and my FN FAL AN/PVS-4 And some BEANNZZ what DRINK I GET? (ONE IS CLEAR NOT A SINGLE CAN OF MOUNTAIN DEW) Maybe Milk lawl no seriously we got 3 shops by us what i use as wepaon A FREAKIN FLAMETHROWER MADE OUT DEO AND FIRE!! i live in Germany D:
  3. Splasher(Unknown)

    Best Heli Loot!

    FN FAL AN/PVS-4 and an m107 One thing YOu can carry the m107 in your backpack but if you equip it youre backpack is dropped you cantlike take a backpack with you But where is the logic?
  4. Nothing There anymore D: :emptycan:
  5. Splasher(Unknown)

    I found a Radio

    Why The signal is coming by Green Mountain is: Green Mountain got a Radio tower maybe It got somwhere a Radio maybe hidden where you cant find it like in the one building at the enterance or the Military building And another thing For The Deer Stands I was at a deer Stand i was MILITARY Zombies Maybe The Radio mean they can help you? and when it was recorded maybe the Woman/Guy was then found by a Zombie and had nothing to defence Also thats MY Option What is your one?
  6. Sorry Darn posted it in the wrong Forum