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About GenocidalGeneral

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    Boston, Massachusetts
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  1. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    The cool part is just a episodic series im startingabout the lows and highs of our group trying a new method of playing.
  2. GenocidalGeneral

    My Wish

    yes I agree it may be hard to trust others, but we are still human and I believe we won't just put a magnum round into someone just because of trust. It's all about surviving and choosing to either run alone,With friends, or try and gain another person trust which is so awarding
  3. GenocidalGeneral

    My Wish

    it starts with people who run in groups treating others well unless there a bandit group then nvm haha. Then people alone who aren't bandits begin treating others well and the treatment gets passedAlong.
  4. GenocidalGeneral

    My Wish

    the problem is consequences never work and only hinder gameplay. People should be aloud to KOS but it needs to be in moderation and proportional to the people who would rather approach a fellowSurvivor.
  5. GenocidalGeneral

    My Wish

    I wished more people would play DayZ from a role playing perspective. Forget you are playing a game and picture yourself in the situation at hand. You may choose to be a bandit, a hero or somebody just trying to survive. Give your character a back story. I think if people Did more of this there would be less KOS and more heroism and banditry. There is a diffrence between banditry and KOS. Most KOS is because people are to attached to their gear and just kill everything because they play it like a Fps game. Banditry is role playing a actual person who would exist.
  6. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    that's not what I wasSaying we like playing the good, but his instance I had to question my own morals to make a Decision. Yes it may have gone better I could of done something better, but in the moment I didn't have time to think. I either acted or waited. We needed supplies fast and didn't have time to deal with a standoff or even a shoot out. I believed more People would be hurt by letting them Go or trying to confront them. But nether the less thanks for the input I wish more people had respect like you.
  7. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    I'm sorry but what choice did I have please tell me what I could of done better.
  8. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    we have a group that plays all day in one of the most visited places in the game. We meetDozens of people in a matter of hours on full servers.
  9. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    I said I didn't think it was smart to engage verbally a fully armed group with their weapons drawn when they had a man advantage. I didn't want to kill them, but the circumstance left meNo Choice.
  10. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    nobody got the point if this story. Yes we did KOS I'm not denying that. This story is a example on how everybody has to make choices that affect another person. In a survival situation you have to do what you think is best for you. I made a judgement off previous knowledge. I could of let them pass, but with a undermanned airfield that is mostly visited by players I felt stopping the fully armed group would be in best interest of the group.
  11. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    Nobody else in DayZ doesThe human relief work that we do. We offer help And assistance to hundreds of survivors daily.
  12. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Morality (Ep. 2)

    So as I said in my last post I run with a group called the Chernarus Defense Force (CDF). Were a group of about 30 guys who have a strict moral code to protect survivors and punish Bandits. We run usually with 5 to 15 people at a time and usually take control of the NE airfield and set up a safe haven for people to come. We offer medical treatment, supplies, food and water and also provide a bounty hunter service to hunt and bring bandits to justice. We can easily be identified By our blue press vests and blue UN helmets and berets depending on rank. After the event of my last story a few days passed and our doctor had completely exhausted most of our medical supplies. We had maybe a few morphines and Epi Pens. Also we only had a handful of blood bags and saline. In the full server we were on, we had around 15 men in there. I took a group of 5 Men including a sniper for a gear run on Berizino. We were aware of the constant fighting in the city and were prepared to defend ourselves. After a quick search of small buildings and houses we found some medical supplies, but we still needed some charcoal tablets and bloodbags. We decided to go hit up the hospital in the town over. As we began to run out of the city we noticed a group of about 5 to 6 people running down the road towards us. As the leader of a group who swore to the protection of survivors, I had a moral decision to make. Do I confront the group outnumbered and try to talk to them, or do I put my men's safety first and waste the group. If the group had there weapons on their backs I would of chosen the peaceful way, but they were armed and ready for a fight. I had two of my men with bipod M4's lay downs in front of them ready to open fire. Also I had my Sniper in the hills and me and another squad member would hide in bushes along the road. The group was closing in now, about 250m away. I waited until the group was Close enough to be mowed down by my machine gunners on the road. The group was closing in on the city so I ordered my sniper to kill the lead man. I guessed he was their leader or navigator and without him would surely fall into disarray. I watched as the lead man fell as I heard the crack of a mosin rifle. When I saw the lead man drop I ordered the men on the road to unleash hell and don't stop Until I say so. After a good minute of constant fire being poured on the group I ordered my men to ceasefire. I saw slight movement amongst the bodies lying in the road. So me And the other guy hiding in the bushes ran on the road to check the bodies. Out of the 6 men, 3 were dead, 2 unconscious and badly injured and the last guy was on the ground crawling with a broken leg. Another moral decision came to me, what should I do about the remaining men? I looked into the city and saw survivors we had met who were friendly along with fresh spawns. These men could hurt those survivors if patched these men up with our already low medical supplies. I made the tough decision to have to put the survivors of the ambush down. The decision hurt to make, I didnt know these people they could be the most nicest men. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time doing the wrong behavior at the moment. I have a rule that whenever I make a decision like this I will do the deed. I wanted to save My men's humanity, so I raised my revolver and shot the man crawling around in the head. It was hard, he was calling for help from us to fix him and his friends. The bullet pass right through the head and ended him quickly. I then shot the unconscious men on the ground in the head also. Then I hid the bodies because I can't have a surplus of weapons lying in a already dangerous area. The moral of this story is that a group like ours that is a complete hero group who protects people, still has to make tough decisions. Everybody will make a decision that costs the lives of someone else. So next time before you complain you were killed on sight in a dangerous area think from the other persons point of view. Also this wasn't a great decision But at the time it seemed to be the safest for everybody around and my Group. Any feedback Is welcome
  13. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Heroism (Ep. 1)

    We run on all public servers based on population
  14. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Heroism (Ep. 1)

    If a survivor came to us and reported a banditKilling people in idk stary or something. We would send out a expedition of 5 or more people to hunt you down. If captured you would be able to explain yourself and we will take a vote on if you are guilty or not. If you didn't put up and fight and cooperated but you were still guilty of inexcusable murder you would probably receive a lethal injection( knocked out and force fed chemicals)
  15. GenocidalGeneral

    A Cool Story of Heroism (Ep. 1)

    So I run with a group called the Chernarus Defense Force (CDF). Were a group of about 30 guys who have a strict moral code to protect survivors and punish Bandits. We run usually with 5 to 15 people at a time and usually take control of the NE airfield and set up a safe haven for people to come. We offer medical treatment, supplies, food and water and also provide a bounty hunter service to hunt and bring bandits to justice. We can easily be identified By our blue press vests and blue UN helmets and berets depending on rank. Our story begins early in the morning. We made the jailhouse closest to the ACT our medical facility and the ATC our warehouse full of all our supplies we will need. Around the airfield in the mountains and surrounding towns we have snipers keeping watch on all angles of the area. Along with 4 to 5 snipers we have 7 men holding downs the airfield itself offering assistance to survivors. After the occasional fresh spawn requesting food or the occasional survivor needing some SKS ammo. A Bambi arrived suffering a illness,We had our doctor start to fix him up and treat him. He needed a epinephrine and had to go get some. As our doctor left the aid station, we heard the rings of mosin and m4 shots go off. I quickly ordered the men to Surround the building and have a sniper watch the windows. A group of 4 bandits spawned into the building and killed the fresh spawn we were helping. I quickly started negotiating for the men to surrender after promising them no harm. After a few minutes of discussion the men came out and dropped their weapons. We quickly cuffed them and put bags on their heads as we confiscated any lethal weapons on them. After some research and first hand accounts from survivors we discovers this group to be a notorious bandit group that has been killing survivors up and downs the coast. In our Law of the Land, banditry is a crime punishable by firing squad. We lines the 4 convicts against the wall of the aid station and ordered 4 of my Men to raise their rifles at the bandits. I proclaimed they had been charged with crimes against humanity and As I was about to order my men to open fire, the leader of the bandit group exclaimed that he will take responsibility for his groups actions. He stated that the men were following my evil orders. As a leader of my group I realized my men would follow my order no matter what. He gained my respect for taking responsibility. I spared the 3 members of his team and sent them away without any of their lethal gear, but I lined the leader back on the wall. Offering some reward for having some ethics I knocked the man unconscious by force feeding him rotten fruit. Once he was knocked out I read him his last will and proceeded by allowing all survivors in the camp to have their way with the man with whatever melee weapon they wanted. About 12 survivors off all supply levels beat and clubbed the man to death and we proceeded to Bury the man. A few hours passed and three men came to the airfield with a man who was dying of blood loss, a broken arm and infection. Turns out it was the three men who I sparred. Along with them was a Bambi who said the men had saved his life and offered him help. We fixed up the man I was about to have executed. Nobody is bad and now those three are apart Of out group and help Out regularly. Bandits and heroes have their place in this world, but heroes always prevail in the end.