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About klye32

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  1. In-game name:EDDIE Why you want to join:I'm tired of playing solo and I am up for a challenge with a team I will try my hardest to join whether it means one thing or another. Timezone, how much you are on, and when you are usually on:GMT -6:00 And I usually play all the time depending on my schedule.
  2. Okay, so recently my friends have suddenly drifted away and now either have blocked me or stopped responding to me. This makes me sad because we seemed like siblings almost. I would like to start that with another group or some individual people to play DayZ. I speak full english, I am 13 years old but very mature for my age. I can be serious at times at need and whilst cracking jokes from time to time to lighten the mood. I have a Skype and a Steam. Skype: eddiesobotkaisbeast Steam: klye33 I look forward to playing with you.
  3. klye32

    New 4 person group/clan

    I am 14 years old, I have a sense of humor so I can enlighten the mood for something intense but I will only crack a joke after the danger has subsided :). I am a good shot assault and sniper, I am willing to do anything and to kill on sight. my skype name is eddiesobotkaisbeast.
  4. i am actually very interested because i am a new player to dayz i have played maybe about a week and a half and i think this would be a cool experience because i have never actually been able to play with anyone else without getting shot in the face!
  5. klye32

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    im on server US 1706
  6. klye32

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i need help im in balota i have 200 blood (DONT ASK) and painkillers and food and water PLEASE HELP
  7. klye32

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just want to talk about this rescue i got from Ian (IGN) ianc123 (forum name) he walked 7500 meters to get to me, gave me a ALICE pack! and a AKM with 2 mags even though i declined he administered first aid and saved me by giving me a blood transfusion and a morphine shot. After we got out of the town we found a sheep, he killed it and gutted it. then he made a fire and cooked the meat for me and gave it all to me thanks bro your a hero!
  8. klye32

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    im in cherno where are you located?
  9. klye32

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    need medical assistance in cherno leg broken 1000 blood please help
  10. klye32

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

  11. klye32

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    in cherno leg broken need blood transfusion 1000 blood please help im at the supermarket near the dock my steam is klye32 if that doesnt work try thecomputernerd
  12. Also we are not asking for rare guns we are asking for AMMO