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Posts posted by hved

  1. Thanks for replies : )

    As for me, i will not open fire to reveal myself if my statistic is pretty high. I will think twice. I will keep silence. Weapons with supressors will become very valuable. More zombies you kill - more stealth is needed to keep your character alive. No better arming for everyone, only for those who are really good in surviving.

    Also, about "professional" pvpers working in groups. They loose nothing after death. Even if they die, equip is collected by gang members and all you need is just meet them to have your gear back. No risk, no fear about the loss, no emoraging after death, no stealth component of the game. Zombies? They don't give a f**k about them, they camping airports.

    Have played over 100 hours right now and the fear of loss is very low. Knowing places you can equip back makes you not very interested in surviving. Just lots of running and crawling all over the place.

    And if maybe this alpha mod become a full product, motivation is needed to keep players in game. Statistic in mmo projects is very very precious. And if it is rewarded i will do my best to stay alive.

  2. Hello everyone, here is another few thoughts about zombies, wall of text ahead.

    If you are a solo survivor your gamestyle is pretty simple:

    1. Find town.

    2. Equip with survival kit (compass, 1866, matches, etc.)

    3. Head inland.

    4. Find AKM/M16/Sniper rifle/etc. with ammo.

    5. Seek some pvp : P

    6. Die.

    7. Repeat this multiple times with some variations (exploring, vehicles, helicopters).

    Even if you are in group with friends this gamestyle is chasing you like a running walker :dodgy:

    But the thing is that zeds are everywhere and lots of us (i hope) are seeking revenge for what they have done with our precious Pleasantville. Sweet classic shoot-o-rama. Tons of dead bodies covering the streets. True zombie apocalypse. :heart:

    My suggestion is pretty simple - slightly increasing chance of finding stuff per zombie kill. For example +0.01% for 20-30 dead zeds. Or +1%, don't know, it is a question of balance. I know, it sounds like carebearing but it is not. I think if zombie hunting will be rewarded it will add much more motivation for keeping your character alive and kicking.

    I think that gameplay will change and become more intense and interesting:

    1. Less crawling, more shooting everywhere - in towns, villages, barns.

    2. Gunshots reveal your position -> more player contacts (coop or pvp).

    3. Out of ammo for your AKM/M16/Sniper rifle/etc -> have to visit PVP active areas to find some.

    4. Or find M4A1/Kobra/DRM with lesser chance of ammo spawn ::f**kyeah::

    5. Kill more zombies with nice looking weaponry.

    6. Search for new ammo, kill moar ::arggh::

    7. Suddenly die from sniper.

    8. Loose everything.

    8. Emorage in chat :P

    Maybe this is a good idea, don't know. But for me - gunfire is much more fun than crawling. Killing zeds must have a meaning.

    Also, if this idea will be accepted, zombie count statistics can be stored only on local servers, and maybe this will decrease the server hopping syndrome.

    Thanks for reading, welcome to discussion : )

    P.S.: sori fo may inglesh, from russia with love™.

  3. Date/Time: 08:00 Moscow time

    What happened: Lost my tent, some ammo, some medicine.

    Where you were: Eastern Wilderness.

    What you were doing: reconnected to another server.

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: RU9

    *Your system specs: i7, GTX580

    *Timeline of events before/after error: i was stalking through wilderness to find a place to test tent placing (still not working), found a cow, cooked, restored to 12000, then server gone bad (no message received), i quit and after reconnecting to another one found my blood at 6000, no tent, few 0.45 round and bandages disappeared from inventory.

    nickname: hved

    ID: 13590086

    RPT file attached.

  4. Staroye village. 58 headshots, 126 killed, out of ammo. But they keep spawning, falling down from the skies infront of barn. Boring. Relogin to stop zeds' aggro, find out the village is clear, have several minutes to loot before they start appear from nowhere. Crawl back into the woods.

    Don't like to hop or relogin, but it is the only way for solo players, even with tons of ammo ::sadpanda::

    Something is wrong with respawn time.

  5. Same here.

    ID 13590086

    Date/Time: 12:30 AM (forum time)

    What happened: Wrong respawn with blood dropped from 12000 to 2300, bleeding.

    Where you were: Chernozavodsk, cafe near townhall.

    What you were doing: logged off to find a server with daytime.

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: don't remember, logged on CZE1 and RU5 Stress test.

    *Your system specs: i7, 580GTX.

    *Timeline of events before/after error: Logged off in Cherno with full blood, logged near Kamenka with 2500 and bleeding fast. Funny thing - ran into the town and got eaten by zeds. -20000 blood and keep droping, but i still can shoot them up lol \o/

    Do i need to send a mail with PRT? Yesterday it helped and everything was working after hotfix.

  6. so do i. keep resping on debug field. respawn button didn't help, nor changing server, nor death by another stucked player, nor upgrading to

    *where you were: was in chernogorsk abandoned industrial building to the east.

    *what you are doing: died from friendly fire.

    *current version: and

    *servers you were on: sorry, don't remember.

    *your system specs: i7, 580GTX.

    P.S.: sorry for double started same topic, it can be moderated for sure.
