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Everything posted by Redsilent

  1. Redsilent

    Issues with Namslask

    I tried for the first time today and I tried three different server and it keeps kicking me off I launch through beta any ideas please help
  2. Redsilent

    Issues with Namslask

    Aleighty have
  3. Redsilent

    Simple question

    Is there a way to get BE SERVERS off the dayz commander list is there a heck option to turn it off?
  4. Redsilent

    Simple question

    That's all I wanted thanks
  5. Redsilent

    Simple question

    Or three is nicer
  6. Redsilent

    Simple question

    Lupa to me it's nice to be In Smaller servers 19 people lags me 2
  7. Well I downloaded it through dayz commander and ran the regular game once and when I tried to open a server through the beta patch it says You cannot play or edit this mission because of content that has been deleted.namalask ns-dayz ns-mods HELP!!!!!
  8. Redsilent

    Having issues with Namalask

  9. Redsilent

    Having issues with Namalask

    Yes it shows it downloaded And when I get into the server it kicks me straight out
  10. Redsilent

    Need some help

    Well when I tried to play it said you cannot edit/play this mission because of content being deleted deleted.chernaurs HELP ME
  11. On certain servers I will try to enter and then it will say you cannot enter because of content that has been deleted. Can I have a link?