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Everything posted by Cadmus

  1. There's so little you can take away from text and the movement of a 3D model. Unless you have a gameplay mechanic that will help you find out what a given player is likely to do to you, it's virtually impossible to tell what they even /could/ do. So people are going to default to KOS just to be safe so they don't, like harken was, get shot in the back and lose precious time and progress. My idea? Some sort of Sanity of Humanity meter. The more non-bandit people you kill, the lower it drops, having some sort of negative effect on your character that cannot be reversed. Is it flawed? Probably, but it'd give people at least one reason not to randomly shoot everyone they see.
  2. Cadmus

    [BSB] Network Recruiting

    If you're all still recruiting, I'd love to join. I've only been playing a couple of days now, but I've really been looking for a large, active group of cooperative DayZ players.