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About Kbman

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Kbman

    DE 110 [XSOF] Hacker team.

    The thing is though, that you can NOT be globally banned for using any hacked items regardless. You can only be banned for using a script and since you have no proof of anything they can not be banned and if your going to say that they duped the items, there is no proof and even if they did you still can not be banned for duping as it is a glitch, not a cheat/hack/script. The only kind of ban they can receive is a server ban.
  2. Kbman

    bought a new pc and now this (fps)

    The only thing that seems to be the problem here is the servers you join. If you join crappy servers which are typically easy to spot with under 5~ people or so and they lag really badly. You have okay PC specs and certainly shouldn't be lagging at all, but make sure your video drivers are up to date and go into the game and change some settings like video memory to default and other things like that.
  3. Kbman

    Nvidia Drivers & FPS drop

    What kind of video card do you have?
  4. Kbman

    Unconscious on every login

    As suggested above ^ take some sort of damage and wait a bit for the game save to catch up to you and then leave and rejoin. Should work...
  5. Kbman

    Global Ban

    This is trouble shooting. You will have alot more luck over at the Ban Appeal section of the forums. Good luck.
  6. I've done that 3 times now. Nothing :/
  7. Rocket launchers are not hacked into DayZ. They are a real thing in the game and they could have come from anywhere... http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/M136
  8. Kbman

    Bad serial number given in setup

    Run Steam as admin then launch them through steam. Let them load and when you get to the menu exit. Once completed for both programs, the problem should be fixed.
  9. Kbman

    Should my Laptop do this?

    No, just need lower game settings. You have 6GB of RAM which is fine, graphics card is fine. Just your settings are off.
  10. Kbman

    Bad serial number given in setup

    Run both Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA as a administrator atleast once before running DayZ.
  11. Just die and join a different server.
  12. You need to also install 95883 or the newer one. Go to DayZ commander and go to "Versions" at the top right corner and click it then go to the bottom and click "Check Now" and install anything that is out of date.