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About kbkasey

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm interested, add kbkasey on skype as I can't find you with yours...
  2. IGN?: Kbkasey Age?: 15 Skype?: Yes - kbkasey Country?: England Do you have teamspeak?: Yes How much experience do you have?: I have played for around a month What are your specialties?: Shooting and being tactical. Any other info? (optional): Although I am 15, I do sound a lot younger than I am due to my genetics. (Voice hasn't broken)...
  3. Name: kasey Age: 15 - i sound a lot younger than i am becuase my voice hasn't broke, i sound about 8 or so :( / male Skype: kbkasey How long you have been playing: 1 - 2 weeks Why you want to join: Because you accept younger players, and you seem mature. I also would like to play with other than being by my self all the time!