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Posts posted by Suckaah

  1. well first im a huge dayz fan i have watched somewhere between 15/17 hours of gameplay of it on yourtube and i have read everything on the wiki and i have been reading the forums for about a month

    but i dont have it the reason is that my pc is about 8 years old and every other computer i have acess to evena couple of months old laptops cant run it and i have been asking around and to play dayz on low seting i would have to spend about £500 for a new pc i have about £2600 but i dont know if i rearly want to spend all that cash right now

    anyway to the point i would rearly love it if the stand alone came to consouls or more specificaly ps3 as i dont have an xbox 360 so is there any news on the posibility of it coming to ps3/xbox 360 or just rumors and when is the estemated release date of the stand alone

    yeaa, no.

  2. 1. Age: 20

    2. Name: Suckaah

    3. Nationality: Danish

    4. Experience: 3 weeks to a month. Been playing on a daily basis.

    5. What role are you applying for: Sniper/Spotter/Scout

    And then the answer the the obvious question: Yes I have my own stash of gear.

  3. Must be 18 or older.

    - 20

    Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too.

    - Denmark

    Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning.

    - I have a handful of stuff.

    We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers.

    - I accept that.

    Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least.

    - Around a month

    Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are.

    - I do

    Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both.

    - Both

    I'm very interested in this.
