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About D-mich22

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  1. D-mich22

    Origins group

    Im looking for a active origins group to play with. Im only pretty often and I do have teamspeak and Skype: derrikastro
  2. D-mich22

    Origins anyone?

    Anyone looking to form a group hmu and we can play some origins. I have teamspeak and Skype: derrikastro
  3. D-mich22

    anyone want to play dayz

    Skype: derrikastro
  4. Any active dayz players wanna group up or start a clan and play on chernaus let me kno. I am about to get on now. Msg me on skype: derrikastro
  5. Ive been playing this game with a friend for a couple days and weve been running around chernaus doing fine. Im looking for a few more ppl so that we can roll in a group. If interested hmu on skype: derrikastro
  6. Anybody wanna group up add me on skype: derrikastro I play on chernaus map
  7. D-mich22

    Forming group

    Ive gotten back into dayz and im looking for a small group to roll with. Jus looking for a group of ppl that kno what theyre doin and kno ther way around. I play pretty often and im on Eastern Standard Time Add me on skype: derrikastro
  8. D-mich22

    Is there someone out there?

    Hey man im down to party up. I play pretty often and Im fairly experienced. I think I meet all ur requirements lol. Add me on skype: derrikastro
  9. D-mich22

    Grouping Up

    Looking to form a group. If interested hmu on skype skype: derrikastro
  10. D-mich22

    New Clan recruiting

    Do u hav skype
  11. Im starting a new clan because Im tired of playing dayz alone. Anyone can join as long as ur mature, have experience in the game, and be active an active member. Anyone who wants to join feel free to add me on skype: derrikastro. It is preferred that u reside in the U.S so it is easier for us to be online at the same time, but if u live elswhere u can still join.
  12. D-mich22

    SoS Now recruiting!

    Id like to join Skype: derrikastro
  13. Im looking to form a clan of avid dayz players with a wide range of skills. All I ask is that those who want to join have experience in the game and have a skype. It is also prefered that you live in the US because of timezone differeneces, but all are welcome if u can adapt. Just leave a post with the following info: Skype: Age: Country: How often you Play: How you Play: Also feel free to add me on Skype: derrikastro
  14. D-mich22

    Dayz squad

    Im down skype: derrikastro