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Everything posted by StrayWolf

  1. These are the kinds of people that in real life will take over a town and then become overlords. They suck and they need to be exterminated. Games such as DayZ bring out the worst in people and its a good window to see how people will behave under such circumstances. You have the opposites as well - those that want to band together and help each other out. But the evil ones need to be dealt with swiftly and decisively...you need to become them to deal with them. Moral dilemmas...
  2. The high paladins to the rescue....LOL Guess what...no more bandit skins...ergo, you won't know who is a bandit until its too late. LOL Too funny. LOVE this game!
  3. This is wanna be crap in a game that doesn't guarantee anything. 'Militias'....LOL. You die and will respawn in noob zones. Eventually...it'll be filled with 50 players doing the goody two shoes...boooring. Knock yourselves out fellas. If I can get on that high ping server, I just might add some bullets to the fray.
  4. As my name says....straywolf... Don't like packs...and might actually have fun tearing up bands of 'survivors'. :-) Dunno...this game allows one to do anything they want which is fascinating. Can't wait to see what Rocket does with the final product.