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Everything posted by StrayWolf
The great sport of Cherno Running
StrayWolf replied to mrhair's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
LOL Too funny, but yeah, that's what it has become. -
We all agree that at the present time Day Z does not provide any incentive for players to cooperate in-game. That's a fact and one that I don't believe can be easily remedied. I'd like to propose one possibility. In a survival situation, a single person cannot do everything. Yes, he/she might know just enough to keep their ass alive but they are not MacGyvers. Far from it. They might know the basics of marksmanship for shooting a rifle, but they won't know gunsmithing. Nor might they know the basics of upkeeping a firearm, especially one with which they have never fired before. I also believe that while someone might be a good hunter they might not be a good medic. Again, they might know the basics to staunch a wound but they won't know howto suture a wound. So, what am I getting at? In a survival group that has banded together to survive they RELY on each other not just for the 'human aspect' but for each others' respective abilities. And you can take it to the lowest common denominator - some people might not know how to do jack-sh-t...so...they become 'wood gatherers' for the group...while the rest do 'more important' stuff like...fixing up a generator. Or doing weapons maintenance. I think that the 'Humanity' value can be implemented into this. You have a base score. The more people you relate with - work with, etc - in-game, the higher the value. Benefits - you get sick less often, have a bonus to weapon breakdowns, additional food points, etc etc. This is a net benefit of being member of a group. Now, how does this get added up? Glad you asked. When you spawn, you are assigned a random skill set along with specific tools for your skill set. So, you know that you are a 'former mechanic' prior to the apocalypse for example... Or, you have extra medical supplies, etc...you were a former EMT or nurse or maybe even a doctor. Catch my drift? Not everyone will spawn with the same skill sets. Some might not even have a skill - again...randomize. The next step is to get together with other players - role-playing will play a part. I believe that players needs to agree to 'form a group' and then they will have to stay within a certain distance AS A GROUP, in order to maintain the benefits of said group. I believe that from the main group you should be able to create a sub-group for specific tasks - like long-distance exploration, scouting, raids, etc etc. Anyways - I hope this starts a healthy discussion on the topic. I hope Rocket likes the idea too. I was thinking that since Arma has different soldier classes and theability to create platoons and sub-platoons that this could be incorporated as survival groups. And we can get Humanity back into the game with a purpose. Obviously...lone wolves won't have these benefits but 'bandits' will. The bottom line is to drive players to cooperate for good or bad. Thanks for reading.
Duh... Again - the mechanics for this game element needs to seriously be thought out prior to permanent implementation. I think its quite complex to incorporate it into a simulation like this...so, it just might need to be removed.
Yes, I read the perk idea after I posted mine. Almost the same concept and I think this is where Day Z needs to head down IF we want players to cooperate and/or have a 'purpose' besides survival. Thanks for reading.
In a survival situation antibiotics would be extremely rare... Some require refrigeration...think there's electricity in this game...nope. Also, antibiotics also have an expiration date after which its potency is much less effective. The whole infection/cure issue is very tough in RL under these conditions. Best cure is prevention...
Remove some stuff that is ruining game play.
StrayWolf replied to exetick's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Stacks of wood have become more important than food/water at this point. I wonder how europeans used to live under the constant rain back in earlier ages? I guess peeps just dropped like flies, eh? This needs to be removed and rethought. As it stands...major failure. -
I've said the same thing elsewhere - loot items need to be a tad scarcer (or their number needs to vary every time it spawns). I think that players' packs need to be randomized as well - so that when you do spawn you might have very little ammo and plenty of water and food or a lot of water, no food and some ammo etc etc etc. It needs to be tough, its a survival situation. Also, the majority of the map is a CIVILIAN zone, so weapons should be accordingly assigned. Euros like to state that this is a 'euro game'...ok then...no AKs and AR15s - its not in the US, mmm'kay :P S, puny shotguns, handguns and stone throwers since you socialists don't allow citizens from owning proper weapons. Anyways, OP has a very valid point and hopefully this will be addressed eventually.
Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...
StrayWolf replied to leblackdragon's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The bottom line of this thread is that 1) people cannot tell the difference between friendlies and survivors (question-can you do this in RL...?) 2) lack of an incentive to cooperate in-game (again, how quickly can this be established in RL?). As the game stands right now, it is far easier to be a bandit and take what you want from another player than remain lonewolf looking for loot. Of course, the most difficult aspect for a bandit is to locate prey and take them out. Its like hunting. Personally, I do not think that the Arma engine has the necessary tools to take the game where it needs to go. Also, I don't think that young teens - or 12 year old playing the game - have the maturity level to deal with these sorts of situations. For them - since they can respawn there is ZERO negative results. I think that the loot tables need to be randomized and the initial spawn pack needs to be randomized. It needs to HURT and badly whenever you respawn. In another thread - I recommended that players spawn with random items in their pack. Sometimes they would be 'ok' with ammo, but no food. Other times no food but plenty of water. This will cause the players to assess their initial missions. Couple this with random loot - meaning, quantities are randomized and locations are randomized and you have an entirely different situation. It'll no longer be - I run to the NW AF and pick up all the best weapons that I need. I go to this house or barn and I can get this (insert item here). In my opinion - THIS - is the only way to penalize risk and make it an incentive to cooperate. But cooperation between players comes from trust and that will only come from playing with people that you know in RL. An annonymous player avatar in a virtual world has ZERO value to me. So...how do you create value...? That's the question... -
For some strange reason - the updater does not finalize extracting the files for me. Recommendation - have the updater check to see whether it really needs to re-download certain files. My understanding is that not all files need to be downloaded every single time. Anyways, thanks for the tool.
They will implement something sooner rather than later. Something like EVE Online would be ideal.
Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...
StrayWolf replied to leblackdragon's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think you need to read up on Ayn Rand and Objectivism if you think Ayn Rand should be associated with survivors and not bandits. I think the one that needs to read up on it AND comprehend what Rand stated in her definition of Objectivism is you... -
Well, given that zed are attracted to sound...it would make sense that this is the very reason there are more zed in towns and cities... They start wandering away eventually...only to be 'called back' by the church bell. Complete irony...
LOL - that would be hilarious. DONG! Oh sh-t...its oh-f-ck thirty! I forgot! Run away! Run away!
Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread
StrayWolf replied to TheSlyFawkes's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Bite me. Try google dude...has a VERY quick F to C converter.... Oh yeah, Google is American...so, maybe you shouldn't use it. -
Will not play 1.5.8 until these issues are addressed
StrayWolf replied to spofny's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Most peeps playing this game are NOT - in RL - physically active human beings and therefore don't know jack sh-t about the outdoors. Sucks to be them if a real zed apocalypse were to happen. -
Hydration packs (camelbacks) Have the need to repair weapons - gun smithing tools, etc. Have different types of binocs - longer ranged, shorter range Optics - red dots in particular - should need to use lithium batteries. Same goes for flashlights. Flashlights should degrade night vision - unless a red filter can be found/attached. Players being able to 'abort' when being hunted by other players or chased by Zeds - I am guilty of this and I will admit its cheating. Add boats or the ability to create one. Ammo/weapon stashes - cache. They expire when the player dies - thus clearing the dbase of these items. Goretex gear for eventual environmental additions to the game. If found, they protect you vs the elements (rain showers, etc). Add MRE packs - bigger health boosts. Have energy drinks like Red Bull - give you a temporary surge in stamina. Cargo/utility pants for added carrying capacity. Add fatigue when you have a full pack load. Or make the player move slower, crouch slower, get up slower, etc. Eliminate local chat. Create the ability to create a local chat with located players - right-click on opposite player and have a menu to offer chat or start VoIP session. Will be lost when line of sight is lost or players are too far away from each other. Commo needs work. Spawn points - need to be extremely random. Have players pop up ANYWHERE on the map. Even in buildings. Also, randomize starting equipment - makes it much more challenging. Sometimes more food, less water. Sometimes more meds, no food. Melee if possible. Known that Arma 2 does not have this...will need it for Arma 3. I have more ideas, but this is it for now.
Some more ideas... Add bicycles. Add horses - have to find a saddle first and then be able to locate a horse. Note- horses will be attacked by Zeds if left alone or ridden through zed infested towns/cities. Add horse saddle bags for additional loot carrying capacity. Add motorcycles - same concept as the bikes. Add a flare gun - would be used to coordinate group gatherings/localization.
Bandits don't get punished, Survivors do...
StrayWolf replied to leblackdragon's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Bandits=entitlement mentality socialists/ Survivors=Ayn Rand libertarians. Any question....? -
How to make Survivors trust you?
StrayWolf replied to matheusvltt's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The problem with the game that will perpetuate constant PvP is that there really isn't any incentive to cooperate with other players. The closest thing would be to rebuild a chopper or a vehicle...big deal. There has to be a justified reason, a co-dependency between players, that will incentivate them them to band together and not kill each other. Unfortunately, I don't think the game engine presents itself to provide this. So...PvP forever! The one with the most loot held the longest wins! :p I want a reverse transfusion...vampire-style! Shoot them to weaken them...and then suck their blood out of them. LOL -
Mine dropped fast under rainy conditions. Managed to get inside a house and it stabilized at 77. Heat loss like this is ridiculous...
Temperature isn't the problem... it's starvation.
StrayWolf replied to Luieburger's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
En edit....nevermind... -
Too many downsides playing night?
StrayWolf replied to Evilsausage's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
New update will make zombies attracted to flares and chemlights...enjoy :-) -
Bandits will have the upper hand.... But people just need to be smart when dealing with other players.
This game will breed these types of gangs (not I said 'gangs', not clans). Its to be expected and something that each player will have to face. Just kill on sight - end it. If there are innocents in the mix...tough. That's life.
Admitted Duping and Hacking 20+ LLKJ members
StrayWolf replied to EyesandEars's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion