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Sin Vince

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About Sin Vince

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  1. Hey hey! I'd love to play a role in keeping the music alive as well! This is a wicked idea, and a great way to add yet another fun component to this game... are we setting up a TS/Vent for the guards to communicate?
  2. I agree, this dude should stick to one fucking thread. It's not like his material's even worth the spam.
  3. Sin Vince

    Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread

    Finally glad all that bullshit about Fahrenheit/Celsius has settled. Honestly, you guys are no better than a couple of idiots fighting over who's a better race; "whites or blacks." The point is, Fahrenheit units are much more accurate based on the current system in place. Since you do start close to regular body temperature, it's just easier to build an example off of. For shit's sake it's not like they built the skeleton of the Titanic and shipped her off. It's just an idea, and a good one at that. Now, for temperatures, I think this thread sums up, very well might I add, the effects which we can expect to see from the incline/decline of temperature. One thing I personally would like to see is: - Running for extended periods of time increase temps. - Being in a building should halt temperature change. - Water/rain should drop it (if not already.) - Sunny days = hotter temps outside, whereas a dark, cold night = colder temps. - Fire should actually increase your temp faster. I don't know about you guys, but I sat at a fire for almost 20 minutes to get back to 100 yesterday, and the whole time I was afraid to turn my back to anything.
  4. So what're you saying? Deny innocent bystanders access to servers? Fuck people who defend themselves? Let's say you walk in to a store to scavenge, and one of your "CoD kiddies" open fire at you, you shoot back, you both bleed to death. How does the system recognize self defense from an actual first-degree murder? How do you go about justifying the difference between these people? Or in your "true DayZ player" world, do you just never encounter such situations? What about the next time you want to play with some friends? All your friends spawn in Kamenka and you keep getting shit like Krutoy Cap/Kamy? What? You can only try to get close to them once then you have to wait SIX HOURS until you can try playing again? I strongly suggest your rethink these parameters, as they could be detrimental to the growing community. How do games expand? Word of mouth. Have you EVER had a new friend come join DayZ? Oh you haven't? That's what I though, because you'd know how much of a pain in the ass it is to try teaching someone/playing with someone for their first time when you can't even find them for the first 2-3 hours. If people are joining, trying to meet up, and getting banned for 6 hours... well I would assume they'd be re-thinking this mod. Because as it stands, being able to re-spawn frequently is nice. No matter how "true" of a DayZ player you are. Jesus Christ as if you even used that terminology who the hell are you the pope? The only way I could see this working is if: there was a "first-to-shoot, first-to-murder" kind of recognition system, and if the other suggestion of "picking your general spawn area" goes through.
  5. Sin Vince

    Selectable Spawn Points

    Keep up this fight Pozo, you're doing quite well. Your points are valid, and you're on to something here. I do agree though, spawns should be kept to the coast, there should be no map indicator, and only select cities should be available, (such as Elektro, Cherno, Kamyshovo perhaps,) to keep the "mobility bonus" to a minimum. But either way, everyone ends up running two the coastal cities first anyways, it's always just a matter of how damn far/long along the coast you'll be running until you meet up with your buddies. It's not like saving people a fucking 20-45 minute jog on the coast will destroy the entire game. It just might make the coastal cities a little more... excited. Actually fuck, spawn points could be BETWEEN cities on the beach for all I cared, as long as you could actually "pick" these locations. Or at least pick and area to get randomly spawned in... so I pick "Krutoy Cap," I could end up closer to Drakon or Kamyshovo, I dunno, but at least if a friend and I are playing together, we'll both see a lighthouse to run to, instead of "yeah run down the coast for seven hours until you see a building, and then look for me or something."
  6. Sin Vince

    Small Suggestion - Church

    You know what, whenever I'm in a church, (whether it's in Chern or Elektro,) and the bell sounds, I also get suddenly defensive. Almost like I'm expecting the bell to attract a bunch of zeds... yet they never do come. It would be nice to see the church bell cause an area of aggression. It might make these major coastal cities more interesting than being a primal place to kill the younger, less intelligent bandits and turn their looted crap in to my starting gear.
  7. Great points, all totally valid. Thanks for the input! This game's going to be great if our developers react to intelligent and resourceful suggestions like this! Just showing my support, keep it up!
  8. Sin Vince

    Losing your backpack in water/filling up water bottle

    I fully support this idea, as it certainly does make sense, and it would not be detrimental to the "realism" of this game. Let's be honest, we all love this game because the unthinkable can happen, (much like in real life,) but silly glitches like bags falling off and DISAPPEARING, well that'd perhaps be something to pay attention to. Like Burstfire suggests, you should be able to recover your bag/items once they've left your possession. We all know things don't dissipate in to mid air... on a regular basis anyways.
  9. Sin Vince

    Many more working vehicles

    Well you must consider the fact that this is not necessarily the same North American metropolis that the Walking Dead, (or any Zombie flick I've seen recently in the main media,) happens to take place. The 225 km2 area Arma 2 and DayZ is centered around, is actually based upon the lesser-populated Eastern part of the Czech Republic. If you think about it, this land wouldn't necessarily be full of Fords, Chevy's, and consumerists. In fact, the population of this area, (if this were reality,) wouldn't be much over 150,000 inhabitants. So take that math, apply it to the fact that, IF there was a Zombie infection in an area of 150,000, and there's often about 2000 Zombies on the map, with an even smaller amount of survivors, (let's say 50 depending on the server,) the odds are that most of the other survivors took their vehicles, (if they could afford them,) and took right off in to the mainlands, leaving only the junky vehicles behind to be torn apart by Zombies and scavanged Bandits alike.
  10. Sin Vince

    make zombies slower

    Zombies can be tracked with iron sights... consider not carrying a sniper rifle through close quarters. Iron sights were designed with long-range shooting accuracy in mind. This is fact. Also, B00tsy's right. Once the Zed runs up to you, it'll stop to flail around in attempt to give you a smack... if you're smart about it, you can take advantage of this little glitch.
  11. Sin Vince

    Bury loot in the woods?

    100% Seconded. Came in to the thread to suggest the same thing, could not have said it better myself. Although the "wipe" should be performed after 72 hours of character-to-server inactivity. That way you have a "temporary" storage, that's remotely secured, so it's not like some official stash, just a little treat for the players who enjoy a little safe spot. Another good reason to implement this would be that fact that, (while dropping your weapons in a completely remote area is safe,) we all know that those items on the ground can happen to get sucked in to the Earth as if it were a hungry vortex from time to time, so having a solid "storage" hole with the properties of a Gear menu would be absolutely delightful... it'd also be a great way to be sure all our goodies don't disappear when we're trying our best to keep them!
  12. Sin Vince

    DayZ Memes

    Daha... omgblarghahaahaha... so awesome. ZING!
  13. Sin Vince

    IF this was an actual game...

    I believe the game should remain free, although I don't object to the "one-time purchase" concept. This does prove to be problematic, as initial sales will only generate so much profit to go towards development, but like many people have already suggested, the amount of DLC that could be added is almost limitless. Aside from expansions, non-attributive items could be marketed as well. (Look at League of Legends selling skins like frigging hotcakes. Who wouldn't want to run around an island killing zombies in a Ninja Suit?) The possibilities are almost endless at this point, especially looking at the rate of which the Arma 2 sales have skyrocketed since the release/publication of DayZ. The only trick is would be to keep the appeal that it already has. I strongly feel as though making the game pay-to-play would be a negative factor in that aspect, although I could see people paying a monthly fee for, say, their own server? (Provided through DayZ servers?)
  14. Sin Vince

    Melee Weapon Petition

    To be honest, I feel as though adding a melee weapon to the game would greatly reduce the initial fear people have of the zombies. And as GigaHobo stated, it would also throw off the whole "conservation of ammo" aspect that we all know and love. (Which, might I add, is rare amongst modern games, so it really is what makes DayZ so appealing... in my honest opinion.) @WildGunsTomcat - The point of DayZ is that it IS so much like reality, unlike a lot of video games these days... Do we really want DayZ to just be a glorified version of Dead Island? Really?