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About egobag

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. egobag

    Overgrowth engine for DayZ?

    Dude, Overgrowth's engine was built from the ground up specifically for Overgrowth.. a lot of features that make DayZ what it is wouldn't work in Phoenix. Hey, imagine Overgrowth on the Arma engine! Can I ask why exactly you think an engine designed around smaller, more linear levels and platforming and hand -to-hand combat is more suitable for DayZ than a milsim with a seamless 226 sq. km map and many of the underlying mechanics already implemented? You can't just say "This engine looks cool.. imagine porting DayZ over to it!".. there are seemingly a huge number of things you haven't considered.. like that fact that the Phoenix engine isn't at all suited for a game of this scale.
  2. egobag

    Tracking and scouting.

    I was under the impression that you could already see people's footprints, though only on the higher (highest?) settings. Still, would be neat if it was expanded upon a little bit, and if it was made available to everybody regardless of the settings they're using.
  3. egobag

    Shift time of day +12 hours

    Perhaps.. but does it add anything to the game aside from that? I'll be the first to concede that a feature doesn't require anyything outside of itself to justify its existence - so, gameplay can be the way gameplay is "just because" - just because it's novel or unique, or in line with the original vision of the mod.. BUT, I think the 1:1 cycle, if anything, completely detracts from the game and acts as a barrier towards entry. I like the challenge and unforgiving nature of the night, and especially enjoy how relieved I am so catch even a glimpse of daylight. However, my current schedule only affords me so much free time to play video games, and unfortunately, it's always during the night (except for the weekend) - so I must be unfortunately unlucky to only ever experience this game in the pitch-black? And it seems unfair that I should be made to switch to a server in Europe just so I'm not running around in complete darkness without a map or flashlight - I can deal with that, but not if I know that I'm never ever going to see the sun because my real-life responsibilities won't allow it - I want some variety.. I like the dark and I like the night.. I like them because they're different - I only appreciate the qualities of one given my knowledge of the qualities of the other.. if I only ever get to experience night time, well.. that just sucks. A more reasonable day/night cycle would also allow people to actually experience the transition between the two, and perhaps make the changes in gameplay more obvious. Let's be honest - a 12-hour day/night cycle is still incredibly long, and most people will still have 90% of their experience take place during the day or the night - but this gives these people to opportunity to also experience at least some daylight (or nighttime) without playing 10 or more hours at a time. The watch should also probably make a comeback as a default starting item.