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Everything posted by Moonchild

  1. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Sorry to anyone who got killed going to loot it. Not sorry to the admin. half your items are duped and you have hacked in explosives in the tents. Enjoy
  2. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Seems like a victory to me.
  3. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    We have a group of 7. We figured it could be a fun clan war untill you felt like banning without checking your facts. I wasn't even aware of the combat logging I was told "I found a camp I got 3 of them come check it out" and I got there and was headshot before I saw anyone.
  4. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    The person who combat logged was part of my group, He's been talked to and I'm willing to give you the name if you would like to ban him.
  5. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    My body was still at the end of the tents last night when we raided you, I had an mk 48 mod 0 and an alice pack. Thats about it. I didn't even fire a shot check the ammo clips, so you still wrongfully banned me. And it's still being reported unless you want to right your wrong.
  6. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    That wasn't me that combat logged man, I had 0 murders I was killed at the end of the tents before I even saw a person. Check your facts bro. Was someone else who killed 3 of you.
  7. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Yeah, this is why you don't abuse admin powers.
  8. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Yeah no problem, I even told me group to stay away from it and we took enough let them keep the rest and they banned us. Also reporting the admin for abusing his powers. Coulda been a fun clan war kiddo. There's enough loot to fully arm around 50-60 people so enjoy it all. It was guarded during the day but was free for the taking at night.