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About Moonchild

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Moonchild

    Hero Skin -- Taking Less Damage?

    Lol, it's not a plot to get team mates to shoot each other, besides if you use a pistol just don't be an idiot and shoot them in the face. My team is 8 people, me and the other hero are the ones usually carrying med supplies (I usually just fly chopper, carry meds) I still don't want this advantage of taking less damage.
  2. Moonchild

    Hero Skin -- Taking Less Damage?

    Uhmm, Its a new vest, lumberjack shirt with the sleeves rolled up, scarf, knee pads, new hat. it looks pretty solid. We earned it through surviving 15 days and just having to patch each other up from zombies and what not
  3. So, me and a friend got the hero skin last night (5,000 humanity) and we decided to test something. With an m1911 our bandit friend could shoot him in the chest, arm, groin and he wouldn't take any damage whatsoever. It took shooting him directly in the knee with an m4a1 cco sd to finally cause him to bleed and take damage. Intended? I mean im happy I have the hero skin, but i don't want this bullshit advantage of taking a ton less damage.
  4. Just found this in my logs Warning: CfgVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation Warning: CfgAmmo missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation Warning: CfgNonAIVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation How do i fix this?
  5. Moonchild

    Trying to get a new server running - Vilayer

    Just got a server with Vilayer, instance ID also says readme so im assuming its waiting for one. When i join the server it says waiting for host, so im also assuming this is the instance ID problem. must have to wait for them to get more.
  6. Moonchild

    Server vehicel spawn

    I just got two servers, vehicles arent up on either. When i looked it up all i found was some people saying it takes up to 3 days to spawn on the higher server ID's
  7. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Mke and Cristelle have played the least out of all of us. Looking up mike gave you every mike on the game, accusing him of playing on 2700 servers is hilarious. I probably have played on 100 servers while switching looking for day servers before i found NVG's. Highwinds has played the same servers as me as we almost always play together, aswell as baudin. Mr12inches has played well over the servers we have as he as found around 30 camps like yours.
  8. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Those stats are completely wrong, first of all. Mr12Inches hops servers to find clan camps, like yours and calls the rest of us there. not myself. Me and highwinds have been playing the longest, the other 4 just started. Not sure where you found those stats but thats hilarious. We have never used any other names, You're garbage clan is butthurt. The dev team can look at your logs and all they will see is 1 of us killing 3 of you, and 1 of you killing me. Nbd
  9. Thanks for the help, just purchased another server with Vilayer, have only found good things about them. Will request a refund with defcon although im alright with just cancellations. Ill fight for a refund
  10. I also read that thread, but I couldn't really find any other server hosts that looked that much better to be honest, if it does turn out to be some big mess I will cancel and switch. Although so far everything has been smooth, the server was up 2 hours or so after I ordered, which is much faster than the 6-12 i was told it would take. The server itself runs great.
  11. Hi, I purchased a server about 26 hours ago. During this 26 hours of up time my clan as well as anyone else on the server has checked every vehicle spawn and there has been nothing, is there a delayed spawn or a cooldown timer that starts or should they be there already?
  12. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    Lol, this kids complaining about my zeroing when making a troll video destroying their shit, someones butthurt. And we didnt take the grenades you derps they are still in your tents.
  13. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    You're red car is somewhere on the map with 33 full jerry cans, we lost it picking up our Derp team member. The other 3...well you saw.
  14. Moonchild

    Mega Camp Location -- US 1555

    http://www.twitch.tv/xkarsa/b/327728316 There's your vehicles boys.