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About ShmoeSOLID

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  1. ShmoeSOLID

    Traders and Traitors

    This thread definitely needs a sticky. :rolleyes:
  2. ShmoeSOLID

    Traders and Traitors

    This thread definitely needs a sticky.
  3. ShmoeSOLID

    Traders and Traitors

    We never once agreed to dealing one on one. NO TIME WAS IT EVER MENTIONED. The deal was suppose to be for a FN FAL AN/PVS-4 with 8 mags AND a AS50 with 8 mags for ONE satchel charge. We joined one DE server a buddy of mine was sitting in a tree.. a guy teleported to him and proned around him invisible. The grass was folding over yet there was no player there. My buddy then got shot at, but then the server crashed. I wanted to trade on our server where we would be able to report them for hacking. HE REFUSED. So I picked another euro server where he joined in with the SAME PLAYERS that were on the other server where the hacking occurred. Both of my buddies moved to totally different positions on the map. Dragonslayer2 took forever to join the actual game, he sat in lobby for approximately 5-10 minutes. Right when he joined my friends and I all got morphed out of our bodies and could not alt+f4 or abort. Both of my friends then got shot from behind and I was able to ctrl+alt+del and close the game. Dragonslayer2 says he logged out when I joined the server with my friends. That is a lie. I was in the server with both of my friends about 5 minutes before he even joined. Plus he stayed in the server unharmed after my buddies died. My buddies were there to only shoot if, and only if I died because I was totally unarmed as Dragonslayer2 wanted me to not have a sidearm. Dragonslayer2 is a liar and cannot be trusted.
  4. ShmoeSOLID

    Traders and Traitors

    Dragonslayer2 (in-game name Zyzz) DO NOT TRADE. HACKERS. Teleported my camera view out of my body and I could not move. They disabled abort AND alt+f4. I had to minimize and CTRL+ALT+DEL the game closed. Luckily I got out before they got my gear.
  5. ShmoeSOLID

    Selling two ( 2x ) Satchel Charges!!!!

    Those guys were there to protect me ONLY because you were fishy from the start. They were only going to shoot you if you killed me, but YOU decided to have your hacker friends in BOTH severs we tried. Your hacker friends were invisible AND teleported behind my overwatch guys in BOTH servers. You can sit here and try to play dumb, but we all know you are full of it.
  6. DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS GUY THEY ARE HACKING. They disable the abort button as well as ALT+F4. I had to minimize and CTRL+ALT+DEL the game to get out and save my items. He had multiple hacking players on different servers that were teleporting and were invisible. They morphed me out of my body and I could not do anything.
  7. DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS GUY THEY ARE HACKING. They disable the abort button as well as ALT+F4. I had to minimize and CTRL+ALT+DEL the game to get out and save my items. He had multiple hacking players on different servers that were teleporting and were invisible. They morphed me out of my body and I could not do anything.
  8. ShmoeSOLID

    Selling two ( 2x ) Satchel Charges!!!!

    They disable the abort button as well as ALT+F4. I had to minimize and CTRL+ALT+DEL the game to get out and save my items. He had multiple hacking players on different servers that were teleporting and were invisible. They morphed me out of my body and I could not do anything.
  9. ShmoeSOLID

    Selling two ( 2x ) Satchel Charges!!!!
