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About virol

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. virol

    US2006, KevinJ - A Message

    Yep pretty sad stuff, and then u post on the forum thinking your the man, when u just showed us all that ur a dick.
  2. virol

    To all server admins

    exactly my feeling, we were so pumped to get a server, to only end up being powerless to the hackers, won't renew it this month & probably my clan will stop playing till the standalone. Also i am not an admin that abuses his powers, I stick to the rules very carefully, and to see so much hate towards admins no these very forums, & from the dev.... well i have to say that also made me choose to stop paying, why pay & get insulted?
  3. virol

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    Brotatoe, you are the reason why most admins give up on servers. Because of your whining, they have stopped their solution of locking the server when hackers are on. Now you still want them blacklisted? why dont u just go to another server man? There are 3000. Players like you & the hackers are killing the game. Our clan owns a server and we have our hands pretty much tied. But i can tell u this, when i see a hacker i close the server down & play another game. We actually PAY to play this game where u only whine & stir shit up, have some respect for the people that make it possible for you to play.
  4. I find it offensive that people are bashing him for not speaking english correctly, be it racism or not its childish & condesending.
  5. wow this is becoming a racist thread about people who cannot speak english well... great.
  6. Hi, We rented a vilayer server a couple days ago, we installed the update & have done nothing else, the server popped up on sixlauncher about an hour later. We also noticed the errors, but it runs fine.