Ok im new to DayZ (playing about 2 days) and I have learned a lot through youtube/wikis but im having an issue with my bag, no matter which onw I have equipped. Your supposed to be able to press "G" to open your inventory then click on the bag either in the items list or in your character pic on the right, then hit open bag button on the bottom and it opens the new slots that are extra storage of your backpack. Well ive had 4 different bags not including ths starting one and i have not been able to open any of them. Nothing happens, it just stays on that same screen that shows just whats on your character. Id love to have that extra storage for lots of things but cant access it. I have searched these forum and online and can not find any reports or anyone else having this issue, can anyone tell me whats going on please? Thank any and all for any available insight!