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Everything posted by Frop

  1. Frop

    Looking for experienced killers only.

    Are you also looking for people to kill and stalk said squad?
  2. Not a private one, but you're obviously welcome on NL 52. Otherwise I would suggest the private hive "Need4Beans" server, I've had some fun encounters on that one as well.
  3. The game loses all its charm when there's nothing on the line. I agree excessive banditry is a bit annoying at times, but excessive friendliness is just as silly. It's quite simple - if you don't want to get shot in Elektro, don't go to Elektro. Or, even better: round up a bunch of buddies and kill the bandits.
  4. It never worked on join as far as I know. Only saves and disconnects.
  5. Frop

    Memories of DayZ mod in SA

    I would like to suggest worn out, yellow silhouettes in the grass at popular camping spots.
  6. Apart from the ridiculous conditions - you're not even on the trusted trader list yourself?
  7. Why don't you just steal their stuff and trade that instead? Sounds fishy.
  8. That sounds really boring and pointless, not to mention it makes even less sense on a private hive.
  9. Frop

    Any one got a Free Sniper Rifle?

    Keep wandering the fields between Novy and NW airfield (north and south of the settlements along that line) on recently restarted servers and you're bound to run into fresh chopper crashes sooner or later.
  10. Frop

    Hackers or a Server Bug?

    Yep, happened to me too. Especially fun because you're also missing that first (often crucial) bandage.
  11. Frop

    Most popular server

    Use http://www.dayzcommander.com and you can sort on player numbers. Easy as pie. And yes, by design you should keep all the stuff in your inventory. This does not always work perfectly though (alpha and stuff).
  12. I'd guess a vehicle is taking damage (hugging a tree or somewhere in the water), but without a coordinate it's quite useless (and I haven't seen this variation yet myself). Maybe these shed some light on the subject? http://www.google.nl...iw=1416&bih=808
  13. I'm not sure which part of "I was on the server" you didn't understand, but I'm quite sure I didn't die that night and most definitely not 5 times in a row. Muffins. And pie. But mostly muffins.
  14. You must be confusing us with another server, because I was actually on the server at that time and I can assure you no mass killings occurred.
  15. True enough, but duping is so easy this particular thermal AS50 could've just as well been one from a previous patch. I still don't get why they don't just run a weekly SQL query on the Hive to remove all the "BAF_AS50_TWS" and other illegal entries. I'm not asking for much more development on their part, but they completely dropped support as well.
  16. Reverse psychology fail. I run the NL 52 server and we log illegal items (http://dayzmod.com/f...hacked-weapons/). Next.
  17. Again, I don't know what kind of answers you expect when you sign up with a username like it's a dupe account for some 14-year old cheater. It's obviously nothing personal and I'm sure you're a nice guy trying to set up something decent here, but still. As far as constructive criticism goes, I think you're better off adding people on word-of-mouth basis and making the first players responsible for the actions of their peers (e.g. "feel free to invite friends, but only invite people you fully trust, because if they turn out to be hackers you're getting banned as well").
  18. Frop

    Looking for sandbags

    That's right. I'm looking for sandbags. A shitload of sandbags. A proverbial f*ckton of sandbags. And I want them legit. You think you got what it takes to provide me with a myriad of these surprisingly rare, silky sweet canvas bad boys? Then contact me here. I've basically got most of the equipment and popular weapons on offer, so let me know what you want and we can work something out.
  19. This reminds me of the USA entry forms asking you if you're a war criminal, committed genocide, etc. Do you seriously expect an honest answer? Additionally, I wouldn't know what to expect from a guy with "ROFloLMA0mg" as his username.
  20. Frop

    Playing in a clan SUCKS!

    I guess stories about people being douches in this game might be detrimental to future sales figures.
  21. Technically it isn't necessarily a hacked weapon. It's legacy.
  22. No, I'm pretty sure you still had it the last time you connected to my server (IIRC one day after you obtained it in the first place).
  23. I'll give you a rangefinder if you permanently get rid of that thermal AS50.
  24. I'm afraid you won't find the hacker if there aren't any .log files in your BE folder. Your last resort would be the .RPT file, but without a name or GUID it will be nearly impossible to find him/her.