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About iSpinoza

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    On the Coast
  1. iSpinoza

    Help ban DayZ Question

    I hope that it is true I don't want paid for nothing and especially paid for my brother... Thank you !
  2. I'm sorry for my bad english ... Hello in the house we are 2, and my brother obtained a banns for use of scripts. I have never played has DayZ because I waits for my new PC and I wondered if I am banns also because I shall like avoiding paying Arma 2 and Arma OA for nothing In french : Bonjour chez moi nous sommes 2, et mon frère a obtenu un ban pour utilisation de scripts. Je n'ai jamais joué a DayZ car j'attend mon nouveau PC et je me demandais si je suis ban aussi car j'aimerai éviter de payer Arma 2 et Arma OA pour rien