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Magpie (DayZ)

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About Magpie (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Get rid of tents. If there's no way for people to save gear, they'll be a lot more careful, and a lot less inclined to get in to dangerous situations, ie: attacking other players willy-nilly). Also, there needs to be some way of making a player potentially more valuable than the contents of their backpack. I don't know how you go about emphasising that, but it would greatly help.
  2. Magpie (DayZ)

    Completely invisible

    A couple of guys reported this last night when I was playing on SE5, and even more worryingly, they reported being able to see my marker and how far away I was. I wasn't invisible myself, and they started reporting this as I was raiding the NE airfield, one reporting that I was 5000 metres away, the other that I was 9000.
  3. Magpie (DayZ)


    Can't help in game, but disable Post Processing in your video options to get rid of the blurry vision. Also, if you join a server with third-person enabled, you don't get pain shakes in that mode.
  4. Magpie (DayZ)

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    You know what would help? If the flashlight didn't replace your sodding sidearm :@
  5. That was hilarious, but dude, I know those little shacks don't seem safe, but most of my zombie kills have been in them. One entrance is the best option when fighting zombies, as it's the only way they can come. Just head to the room with the table in it and place the table between yourself and the door, and you can hold off as many zombies as you have ammo. And I know you probably like that AK, but the ammo's rare, and it's a noisy gun. If you're mostly a survival player, stick with the Winchester and slug ammo. There's ammo for it everywhere, and each clip holds 15 rounds. Still, fantastic video; it really captures the sense of panic inherent in Day Z.
  6. Magpie (DayZ)

    Melee Weapon Petition

    The way zombies work at the moment, they get close to you, they start draining blood with the possibility of other nastiness, right? As long as a melee weapon takes 2-3 hits to kill a zed, you're going to be taking damage the whole time, so it kind of balances itself out in those circumstances. That way, it's used as a weapon of last resort.
  7. Magpie (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Hi; Just wanted to register with an idea on how to implement Humanity going forward. While I fear how much more trigger-happy everyone is going to be once you remove bandit skins, I respect your decision rocket. However, as there still needs to be some differentiation between bandits and survivors and what influences the decision to go either way, and while you seem reluctant to implement a system that directly affects gameplay, I would like to suggest that when the leaderboards become active, you calculate a players score using a humanity based formula. Something like: {(Humanity * Zeds Killed) / Players Killed} * Hours Alive Then modify humanity penalties so that killing ANY OTHER PLAYER, including bandits, reduces humanity. Including both Humanity and Players Killed in the formula should ensure against artificial score boosting, say by giving transfusions. Hours Alive means the leaderboard will stay dynamic, and will hopefully increase the "Average Life Expectancy" as reported by the site. Then make the leaderboards easily viewable, with local ones on a per server basis and a global leaderboard on the site. It sounds like fluff, but look how much stock people put in achievements these days. Doing something like this means you wouldn't be touching the games mechanics, but people would still have a goal to aim for (if they wanted to).