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About Gerby

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  1. Should I make a new topic about the hanging on Loading... forever when joining a low pop. server? It's driving me nuts.
  2. Exactly, I was trying to join a low population server just to show the game to my friend for 10 minutes. Always when I join a server with less than 5 people in it, it hangs forever on Loading ...
  3. I was just joining a server and then suddenly I spawned at the beach with all my stuff. I walked for 3 minutes and I got shot by some camping bandit. Im not here to cry, but its still a bummer. I need to get started again, but could anyone give me a bit of advice? Im sorta a noob but I died with quite good gear. It just took ages to get. Can anyone help me getting back in that position with weapons/gear a little faster? Thanks in advance!
  4. Sorry for double posting mobile version is bad.
  5. Thanks everyone for the information! Don't get me wrong I will play this game regularly, and not just dayz. I didn't mean to complain about it either. It's fine.
  6. I dont know how lol. Since I have installed DayZ I can only see Dayz servers.
  7. When launching up Combined Operations and looking into multiplayer. I just see dayz... Nothing else to play.
  8. Ah but it's still a big bummer though. Heavily discounted means 5 eur?
  9. On the news I've seen that DayZ will get his own game, sounds cool. But I have a question: I bought Combined Operations 90% for DayZ just a few days ago, for 25 euros on Steam. Ive played about 6 hours now and I'm enjoying it so far. But when it gets stand alone, do I have to buy the game again? Or does everyone with Combined Operations get it for free? Would like to get some answers :)
  10. Gerby

    FPS Suddenly capped at 20

    Yesterday I've played normally. Same for my friend. Exact same server. Ping of 35. Today it just changed. So it has nothing to do with settings.
  11. Hello everyone. This far I'm having a blast with DayZ together with my friends. But now this happened: Suddenly our fps is capped at 20, while yesterday everything was fine. Could anyone help us?