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Everything posted by AGBenny

  1. AGBenny

    Stable - 0.49 Discussion

    Melee is still super broken.
  2. AGBenny

    pookie was bad now is good person

    You might get lucky and be able to go add him on steam through recent players.
  3. AGBenny

    Char' restart & campers....

    Dude you combat logged which IMO is worse then campers, kos, and well puts you in the group with shady people.
  4. I played last night with only turning my gamma up a tiny bit and using flashlight, chemlights, flares and making fire. It was so much fun! id recommend not doing it in a fresh spawn or military area though lol.
  5. I remember coming across my first Dayz video on youtube. I got a sudden chill for what it would be like to be in a zombie apocalypse. Played the game for the first time and snuck into Cherno to get med supplies all while sneaking around zombies because I was so afraid of them and had no idea how to deal with them...it was an amazing experience and I want it back! Dayz SA will feel like Dayz when; I'm struggling to stay alive When I'm actually afraid of zombies When I see another player and think I can use his help instead of just ending up in a firefight When I can set up small camps across the map Vehicles would be cool too but I really hope they make them super rare and the gas too.
  6. AGBenny

    The worst ideas for Dayz

    Things from other games like a PayDay mask....oh wait.
  7. AGBenny

    Zombies are too hard (defending my opinion)

    In all Honesty if Zombies hit you even once you should be infected or dead. Zombies have to hit hard or else you won't be scared of them. I think melee needs some work but zombies should be 2-3 hit IMO. This is a HARDCORE survival game after all.
  8. AGBenny

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    That trailer was up on the first day they opened up Early access.
  9. AGBenny

    How do you deal with rubberbanding? (Exp)

    Sometimes for me if I start getting rubber banded I will move a little, drink a soda, move some more, eat some food. This way the server is registering me eating and drinking in those spots. I am probably wrong but "it works 60% of the time every time" hehe. Also try to walk wide around corners and rails inside buildings while also going slow.
  10. I also agree that the endless running is kind of lame.(yes I know there is no vehicles so it is kind of needed)I hope they implement some kind of stamina system where if you run for long periods of time you have to rest. Maybe if you rest by a fire and eat/drink your stamina will replenish faster. I hope they do it right though and implement the characters diet into it too. Would be awesome! Also running with free hands is faster in real life, ive played tournament paintball for the last 12 years and let me tell you running with a gun in your hands compared to nothing there is a difference. Yes I know its paintball but its still a object in my hands.
  11. AGBenny

    How to know which servers to avoid?

    Next time you log back in and you're a fresh spawn on the beach, log out right away then log back in. Works every time. Unless you got killed by combat logging ...then you dead lolz
  12. This stuff is so amazing. If these sounds were ingame it would add so much more feels!
  13. AGBenny

    10 hours played havent seen a gun or food

    Funny when I see these posts. I always end up finding more food and guns then I can carry within a couple hours...let alone 10 hours I could probably full gear up 5 different characters if I had em.
  14. AGBenny

    I've heard troubling rumours...(no helis)

    I really hope if he does add in Helis there can only be 1-2 per server. Anymore then that and ill go play Arma 3. I remember the early days in the mod...helis were so rare they were awesome!
  15. AGBenny

    Fully Geared Up

    What Chronic said, just because you're unarmed doesn't mean people aren't going to shoot you. Especially when you can run up, punch them in the head 1-2 times, knock them out and take their gear. When you are unarmed go to little towns or stay on the outskirts of big town until you atleast get some kind of weapon. Avoid the big citys also if you want to live, unarmed or geared.
  16. AGBenny

    Wizardry is OP, needs to be toned down.

    I'm very curious to how you can say its desync when there is known teleporting hacks in the game...not to mention you weren't even there. Stop being so close minded buddy...there is a lot of hackers in this game. As to the OP, thanks for the laugh! Hopefully hackers will be gone by the time this thing hits beta.
  17. AGBenny

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    - stopped reading here... lol sorry but the top .1% don't camp electro and shoot under geared players :P
  18. AGBenny


    Because then this game will not only be plagued by bandits but people like you...spending all their time ruining gear so freshspawns can't gear up...real classy.
  19. AGBenny

    Hunting Rifle

    Dirby you look like your geared for war lol. Thanks for the pic of the gun !
  20. Think of it as them all having cell phones with a blue tooth in their ear :D
  21. AGBenny

    So, Dog companions are still in or what?

    I would LOVE to see dogs in this game...BUT they would have to do it right and make them extremely hard to get. I don't want to see everyone running around with a dog. 1. Acquiring one as a pet should be the hardest and most rare thing in the game. 2. Packs of wild dogs running around..maybe every once in a while one will have puppies and you can steal one to raise and train. 3. Its gonna be a long LONG time before we see anything like this but man that would be cool! idk just some cool ideas! I always wanted my own zombie hunting dog!
  22. AGBenny

    Can i STOP LOOSING MY FUC**N character!!!!

    Everytime I have lost a character I've been able to log off right away and log onto another server and boom have my character back.
  23. AGBenny

    What do you do when in a mexican stand off

    Sad that only 1 option wasn't an exploit.
  24. I am glad you have found Rule #1 of Dayz so early on! Don't get attached to your gear, remember that one! Like baarn said ladders are the worst so be careful and welcome to DayZ!
  25. AGBenny


    I really hope they add in stray dogs that can be trained, wolfs would be cool but who the hell has ever tamed a wild wolf. Like rocket said if they are going to do it they gonna do it right! So I hope if they do implement this they make it extremely hard and rare so not everyone is running around as a "Hunter" lol.