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Everything posted by AGBenny

  1. I freaking Love this idea. Everything you said I agree 100%. Ofcourse like most people said it will needs tweaks to make it perfect but heck show me one thing in this game that doesn't need tweaking :lol:
  2. Something like this needs to be Sticky'd
  3. If you want to survive and not get killed on sight then you have to play this game like your life has value. Before you go into a Military base or Big city go to the border of it and do an overlook of the place. Look for possible sniper positions, zombies (usually good sign), open doors (means someone has been there), and ofcourse look for players running about. Have a plan before you go in, see which buildings are worth going to first and make sure if its a military base you get in and out fast because the longer you hang around the higher the chance you're going to run into somebody. Last but not least, Trust NOBODY unless you have the upper hand to hold someone up its not worth exposing yourself to someone. Hope this helps keep you alive a little bit longer! P.S. Rule#1 of Dayz: Don't get attached to your gear!
  4. Rocket Literally uploaded a gameplay video 2 days ago.
  5. AGBenny

    What is your sidearm of choice?

    Anything with a silencer on the end of it! I hate killing zombies with a loud gun XD
  6. Do you guys play tactical or just mess around? I can fill any roll needed basically; Pilot, sniper, over watch, medic, close quarters, you name it ive done it. Been looking for a squad that plays some what tactical and but not super serious at the same time. Let me know I have a couple people that are good as well.
  7. Ive found the new Hunting Grounds mod to be pretty fun, yet really hard. Its on the Lingor map, it has alien zombies and even UFOs I think. The zombies hit really hard and it is extremely challenging. Surprised more hardcore players don't play it.
  8. AGBenny

    Remove zombies.

    Play wasteland.
  9. AGBenny

    Rocket said..

    I love all the people who say they lost interest in dayz SA because they taking so long lol. I don't want those morons playing anyways they are the ones in-game that try to make friends with bandits then cry over side chat after they got killed.
  10. The AKM is far more superior than the AK-74, not only does it do more damage but it also has zeroing!!!
  11. AGBenny

    Why did you start playing DayZ

    I have always been a fan of zombies in general and one day I was surfing the web for an open world sandbox zombie game. I came across a youtube video of some guys in cherno shooting zombies and running for their lifes and for about 2 weeks straight I was hooked on youtube dayz videos. I then got it myself and it has been one of the most memorable games I have ever played. I still remember the first time I played...seriously ran from zombies my first 3 lifes for hours lol.
  12. A crossbow that is actually good, and maybe a bow!
  13. I'm confused...since when did Dayz ever stop being deathmatch....???
  14. I have seen a couple where you get to start off with a as50 and ghillie suit with coyote backpack if you donate for 15 bucks...lets just say i left asap
  15. AGBenny

    New Mod: DayZ Breaking Wind

    Looks cool but I hear it is plagued with combat loggers.
  16. AGBenny

    New map for DayZ: SA?

    They are adding new towns, a swamp, expanding the map and even added UTES on the south east coast. I am sure they are going to change the vehicle and loot spawns as well.
  17. Honestly if I came across a hero id still be cautious but not as much with a survivor or bandit. Id try and talk to them instead of trying to kill them.
  18. AGBenny

    Why does everyone have a hat?

    Get some camo clothing and you won't have anything on your head!
  19. They do need to change it so if someone shoots at you whether its a hit or miss, they are being a bandit, you should not loose any humanity when you return fire and kill them. It makes zero sense when your just defending yourself from some guy hunting you down and just because he doesn't have bandit skin means its a murder? yeah....no
  20. AGBenny

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    As much as I would like to see updates every Friday im not going to complain because that just means that they are working their butts off and don't have time to post an update. No matter what im buying this game, whether it comes out in a month or 4 years! Take your time Devs we love you no matter what!!!!
  21. I crack up when I see servers with the title "Non-PVP server" its doesn't make any sense to me.
  22. I'm confused...I thought every server was deathmatch?
  23. Ive been looking for a real hardcore server for a while, so many servers I see advertise it as "hardcore" but still have 3rd person on lol. Ill check this out I love 1st person it makes the game much more interesting without people using 3rd person to look around corners and down from rooftops!
  24. AGBenny

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I see so many people QQ about how they don't give us enough information or how they are screwing us over because they didn't release the game in december. It makes me sick, these guys are making a quality game that you will most likely play for years and years with constant updates throughout. Everyone needs to chill out and let these guys work...I myself have waited for a few games to come out and never are they ever on time. I hope they take as long as they need to give us a stable game because right now I have other games to play...I can wait. There was an update today too so stop saying they are "keeping us in the dark" because thats a lie.
  25. AGBenny

    Why do you use 3rd person?

    To me 3rd person its cheap, especially in fire fights. People say it gives you a more real life perspective of the world but last time I checked in real life you can only see where your eyes are, and your eyes are in your head not 6 feet in the air behind it. I play a lot of paintball and one key tactic is to shoot at someone and move positions while they are behind the bunker. This is also a real life war tactic but it is completley useless when people use 3rd person because they can watch everything you do while also being completley safe. I try to play 1st person as much as possible but I feel so gimped playing against players that use 3rd person, like laying on hospital roof and looking over the sides. How REAL is that? 1st person brings so much more to the game I don't know why more people don't use it.