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About InfectedRabbit1

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. InfectedRabbit1

    Active Clan Recruiting New Members!

    Hey! I'm really interested in joining your clan!! I'm 15 right now, British. I am a relatively experienced player, and I am looking to play for both the fun and to survive. Most of the time I will avoid killing people. But like I could do with the extra stuff. Im more of a friendly player. If I see someone, Ill help, but if i am in DESPERATE need of supplies, I will not hesitate to shoot their ass off :P. I hate going around solo and getting shot in the face by bandits >:(. If you have steam I can chat to you on that, (I prefer text chat but I can use a mic) So if you will let me, I will be glad to join. Thanks Bro :) InfectedRabbit1